How to change the language on the MacBook

How to change the language on the MacBook

Language switching on the MAC keyboard arise from users who are used to working with the PC keyboard. In most cases, you should remember the new key combinations, but there are other options.

Use the System Settings tab for changing the language. Run the utility and find the "language and text". Go to the "Language" section. Explore the module and determine the possibility of switching the working language of the application to the desired one. The first list is a preferential language that uses your application by default.

Close your application. Find the desired language in the list of languages \u200b\u200band put the first on the list. Run the application again and monitor the result of manipulations. Repeat item 1 and return the language to the original position. If this is not done, then the working language will change on all computer programs.

In devices with the MacBook operating system, two CMD and Space keys on the keyboard are used to change the languages. All users are required to remember another way to change the working language without using the keyboard.

Go to "System Settings". Select "Keyboard", then "Spotlite", put two birds in the window that opens. After that, repeat the "System Settings" -\u003e "Keyboard" -\u003e "Keyboards and Enter". Check "CMD" and "Space", if you use two languages, or "CMD" + "Option" + "Space" to work with several.

To change the working languages, you can install special programs on the computer, which, in addition to the main purpose, perform auxiliary functions. Such programs refers, for example, Language Switcher.


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