How to get a world map

How to get a world map

The calculated plastic world is a financial instrument of the same-name payment system developed and implemented in the Russian Federation. To obtain it, it is necessary to contact one of the system participating in the system, which is the issuer of payment cards of this system. How to become the winner of the world map?

Receiving Map World - List of Emitting Banks

Receive the calculated plastic system the world can be in any bank of the Russian Federation, carrying out the issue of this type of cards. With a relevant list of relevant financial institutions, it is possible to find the official website of the NSPK - the national payment card system.

  • Go to the portal NSPK.
  • Click the World Payment System tab.
  • Choose among the items of the list of the partition of the participants of the PS world.
  • Meet the list of system partner banks. You are interested in those financial organizations that produce the production of plastic world. Next to the title of such banks there is a picture of hands with a map.

The order of the map world

Debit plastic World Customer may arrange independently or with the participation of his employer. Credit cards are executed extremely personally. The release card is free. The amount of the annual service fee varies and depends on the chosen bank and the status of the client (accessories to its preferential social groups).

  • The first step towards holding a map is the choice of a financial institution that has the right to emission world map.
  • Next should appeal to the bank. Depending on the order set in a particular bank, it may be a personal visit to the organization or design an online application for receiving a map.
  • In the case of personal appeal, the client writes a statement to receive the necessary banking product - the world map.
  • Upon receipt of plastic consists of a service agreement. The finished card, again, depending on the bank, can be obtained directly in the department or order the delivery of plastic to the house.

After receiving the map, the activation of the banking product should be activated. You can activate the plastic world in an ATM (making any operation), in the bank separation or with the help of Internet banking (after registering in the Personal Accaster, go to the Card Activation section).

Plastic Peculiarities Mir

  • The currency of the payment system is the ruble (unlike Visa or MasterCard, edition, for example, a dollar map of the world is impossible). Calculations are carried out exclusively in rubles.
  • Maps work throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Crimea.
  • The calculated plastic can be used to pay for purchases both in real stores and on the Internet (inside the country).
  • Promotions are regularly held for card holders, loyalty programs are being developed.

The main disadvantage of the world's card is their limited scope - calculations through this payment system can be carried out only within the Russian Federation. By payment abroad, the world is not accepted. To carry out the calculations outside the Russian Federation, the Client needs to issue a joint card payment system World and any international system, for example, "World" Card -NionPay, "World" -Maestro, World -JCB. The use of this type of cards is allowed both on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond.

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