How to confirm the status of the Tax Resident of the Russian Federation?

How to confirm the status of the Tax Resident of the Russian Federation?

Tax resident of the Russian Federation is an important figure in the process of taxation. This is the subject that pays taxes in favor of Russia. The tax resident can be like an individual and legal. Confirmation of the status of the Tax Resident of the Russian Federation is a mandatory procedure and avoids double taxation. This is relevant, if the company (entrepreneur) cooperates with foreign partners or receive dividends from foreign activities.

Why do you need to make a statement?

The procedure for confirming the status of the tax resident begins with the preparation of the application. After its consideration and filing, an important document is issued - a reference of the residency. Apply and obtain consent to the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (MI FTS).

The application must necessarily be disclosed full information about the subject of verification:

  1. Full name of the legal (INN, address, checkpoint, OGRN) and individual (surname, name and patronymic, full address, INN).
  2. You need to specify the year for which the status must be confirmed.
  3. Specify the state whose tax authorities will be commissioned.
  4. Make a description of the documents attached as evidence to the application.
  5. Put the applicant's signature. If this is a legal entity, then the head or authorized person may sign a statement. The participation of the latter should be proved by attorney or a document that confirms the powers of a trust. The individual puts the signature personally.

Firms and companies account for such a document on their branded form. Often there are already coordinates of the organization in the "cap", but they still need to be duplicated. Individuals can write a statement on simple paper in arbitrary form.

There is no clearly established application form. But there is a certain structure to follow to get approval.

The application must be attached to such documents:

  • contract (contract);
  • decision on the payment of dividends;
  • for a legal entity - a copy of the statutory documents;
  • for individuals - a copy of the passport and code;
  • documentation that can confirm the receipt of pension payments from abroad;
  • individuals provide the calculation of time as they were in Russia.

After the application is left left, it can be personally submitted to the FNS department or send by mail by registered letter with the notice.

Algorithm for confirmation of the status of the Tax Resident of the Russian Federation

After submitting an application, it is considered within 30 calendar days. In the event that it is necessary to confirm the status of the resident of the individual for the current year, the status can be confirmed not earlier than will be 183 days from the moment of his arrival in Russia.

Without complications, you can get a confirmation for three past years. If the term increases, then additional documents may be needed: discharge from bank account, tax declarations, etc.

When representatives of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the application will be considered and the data is analyzed, a certificate of resident status is issued.

Confirmation is issued in one instance, but with preliminary circulation you can get several copies. This will happen if the resident becomes such a necessity.

How to make an application to confirm the status of the Resident of the Russian Federation?

Although the application can be written in an arbitrary form, it is better to adhere to a certain structure. Then it will definitely be accepted and approved. Otherwise, the document will be refined.

  • The application begins with "caps". It must be specified to whom it is provided - to the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. It is also necessary to indicate from whom the application is the name of the company or the name, the name and patronymic of an individual.
  • The main text goes further, where it is necessary to indicate that the subject requests him to provide him with a certificate of confirming the status of the Resident of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation. Specify the period and where the received document will be provided.
  • Be sure to make a note of "applications", where it is alternately described by those copies of documents that will be attached to the application.
  • At the end, you should specify the position, surname and the initials of the resident and put the signature.

Confirmation of the status of the Resident of the Russian Federation is an important process that will avoid double taxation and secure the person who has contacts with foreign businesses.

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