How to connect Sberbank mobile bank via phone

How to connect Sberbank mobile bank via phone

As in many banks, the Sberbank provides a convenient service "Mobile Bank". This feature allows you to pay for your mobile, follow the latest operations on the map, instantly receive information about any changes in the account, as well as connect the autoplating directly from your mobile phone. As a rule, the connection service occurs in the office of Sberbank at a specialist of the company, this process is quite quick and practically does not require your energy consumption. But how to be if you urgently needed to connect a mobile bank, and not to get to the bank of the bank? Then you have the ability to connect on a mobile phone. In this article, you will learn how to do this and understand in all subtleties of the service.

Mobile Bank Tariffs in Sberbank

In Sberbank, there are two main tariffs for mobile bank services: full and economical. As you understand, the whole difference is in price. Look more on the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The "Full" package implies a monthly fee for using a mobile bank. The cost of such a package is 60 rubles for Visa Classic and MasterCard Classic and 30 rubles for student cards, social and "momentum". Also for customers with cards type Gold Mobile bank is free.
For this amount you get the opportunity to request information for the account for free, discharge, remnants of limits on the map, the history of authorization.

The "economical" package does not require any payment, but at the same time you do not have the opportunity to request the history of authorization at all, and the rest of the services will cost you from three to fifteen rubles per request:

  • One request for the rest of the limits on the map - 3 rubles.
  • A brief statement of the card account - 15 rubles per request.

You will also not come SMS notifications about operations on the map and changing on the account.

Select your package before connecting the service. It will be possible to change it only in the office of Bank Sberbank.

Connecting a mobile bank from Sberbank by phone

You can connect a mobile bank by phone in only one way - by calling the Sberbank hotline. You will need a number:

  • 8-800-555-5550

Explain to the contact center specialist that you want to connect a mobile bank and specify the selected tariff plan. At the same time, you must be the owner of the card, and it is advisable to call from that mobile, for which the map will be fixed.

The operator can ask you many additional information to make sure you really have the owner of the card. This information can be attributed to:

  • the code word you came up with the creation of a card,
  • your latest operations on the map,
  • your passport details, full name,
  • date of birth and other questions.

If you answer all of them absolutely honestly and right, then the mobile bank on the specified phone number will be connected.

When a mobile bank from Sberbank will be connected

The service is connected within three working days, but no later than this period, after receiving the request by a specialist.

As soon as the mobile bank is connected, you will receive an SMS notification of this type: "Registration has been successful XXXX," where four Ixs are the last numbers of your bank card, now tied to the phone number.

From this point on, you can use all the features of the mobile bank from Sberbank and manage your account directly from the mobile phone. Do not forget that to control the card from the phone, you can also install the Sberbank application online application and access great functions of the bank.

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