How to turn off the beep on the tele2

How to turn off the beep on the tele2

The beep is a special service provided by tele2. With it, you can replace ordinary beeps to music. The subscriber chooses the subscriber itself on his own taste.

The beep on tele2 - why do this function need?

  • This service has recently become very popular among subscribers of different operators. It is advertised everywhere: on television, radio and on the Internet.
  • Employees of firms who want to welcome their customers in particularly useful. Some use this service for the sake of a joke over friends and relatives. Others simply do not want to listen annoying beeps.
  • After a while, after connecting the service "Human", many people simply disappear to use the desire to use. Someone she is just bored, and some no longer needed. In such cases, subscribers begin to search for ways to terminate the service provided by the operator in their mobile number.
  • To disable the musical "beep", tele2 subscribers can use one of the existing ways.

How to turn off the beep on the tele2 - Method number 1

  • This method involves using a telephone keyboard. You need to dial the following combination: * 115 * 0 #. To complete it should be pressed on the call button.
  • After a set of this combination, a more unnecessary service will be disabled. Instead of the previously installed melodies during calls, the usual beeps will be heard again.
  • Immediately after turning off the function, the daily service fee will be immediately discontinued.

How to turn off the beep on the tele2 - Method number 2

  • To disable the service, you can use your personalized telephone. You need to go to the official website of the operator. After that, pass authorization and log in to your personal account. There you need to find an item on user service management. In this subparagraph, you can disable all services provided by the operator.
  • Disabling the proposal of the "Human" is absolutely free at the mobile operator tele2. In case of refusal, it will not be necessary to have a certain amount on the account to pay for the disconnection.

Regardless of which methods were used to disable the service, previously ordered by the subscriber, the melodies will be saved in the system's memory for another 30 days. If the user who refused the service, until the end of this period connects "beep" to his mobile number again, then all the melodies ordered by him can use again.

If the service is connected after the specified period, then all the musical compositions will be deleted. To return them, you will need to pay a certain amount from your account.

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