How to estimate the cost of the apartment

How to estimate the cost of the apartment

The need for an assessment of the apartment arises from several reasons. Perhaps the owner of housing wants to sell its property, exchange it or arrange it as a collateral to obtain the desired loan. It does not matter, whatever your goals, learn about the procedure and features of the assessment of the apartment stands in advance.

Criteria for estimating housing

In order to correctly appreciate the cost of the apartment, it is worth considering several criteria. First of all, the location takes into account, because it is important is the location of the apartment (in the city center, on the outskirts, near the track or not far from the forest plant). An important role in the assessment is played by the area of \u200b\u200bhousing. This indicator directly affects the cost of the apartment. It is calculated on the basis of the cost of a square meter of housing. In addition, the remoteness from infrastructure can also affect the cost. After all, for any family it is important to position their homes towards school, kindergarten, hospital, shop, etc. Among the price criteria there are such as layout, condition of finishing, the type of house ("Khrushchevki", "Stalinky" or elite) and the floors. The cost of housing can also affect other minor factors, such as the availability of a home phone, Internet, balcony, plastic windows, etc.

Is it possible to appreciate the apartment yourself and how to do it?

You can evaluate your accommodation yourself, but how true your counts will be true, unknown. After all, the owners of the apartments always seem to be their housing very good and expensive. As a result, the price of an apartment is overwhelmed, so it will be difficult to sell it. Although it happens and vice versa. Owners indicate such a price that buyers are instantly ready to purchase an apartment. So it is worth being attentive and the best option can be the appeal to professionals.

In case you have resorted to the assistance of appraisers, you will need to prepare such documents: BTI certificate in form 11A and the certificate of state registration of the right to property.

Work professional appraisers

To determine the cost of the apartment, it is worth contacting an estimated company. It is professionals who can call you a real value that may differ from the stated price per apartment. Having learned the cost of your apartment, you can further overstate its price when selling, or on the contrary, to underestimate (if you need to quickly sell an apartment).

What methods of assessing the apartment use professionals?

Specialists in their work use three basic methods of acclating housing.

  • The first method is comparative. This is the most popular method that is to analyze and compare the cost of similar apartments in the market.
  • The second method is costly. This is the most time-consuming method of counting. When using this method, they consider all costs that were incurred during construction: used materials, transportation costs, taxes, etc. Also calculated factors such as building wear, inflation rate, etc.
  • The third method is profitable. This method allows you to calculate the income that can be obtained from the apartment. This method is not used when assessing the dwelling. It is rather necessary when the apartment is used as a store, a salon, a play center, or any other organization.

Summing up, it is worth noting that to assess the value of its apartment it is best to resort to the help of professionals who will give a real estimate to your housing. The obtained reliable data will help you to carry out all the necessary financial transactions related to the sale, rental or taking a loan.

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