How to rent an apartment for rent

How to rent an apartment for rent

If you are the happy owner of additional square meters, most likely you have already visited the idea to rent an apartment. Empty housing requires additional spending and is a ballast for the budget, if it is not used for its intended purpose. "How to rent an apartment?" - The question most often disturbing the newcomers of the real estate market.

The first rule when renting an apartment is a competent price definition. Analyze similar to your housing rental offers, consider not only the number of rooms and the availability of furniture, but also the area, proximity to the subway, repair, state of the entrance. Stop at a medium price. You can significantly raise the price of the apartment if you make inexpensive cosmetic repairs (for economy class objects) or invite a designer to create an individual project (for elite real estate).

Next, determine for yourself, whether you formally declare income received with rental apartments. In practice, the landlords often ignore this item, however, if disputes with the apartment arises, it is possible to help the judiciary when tax evasion fail. In addition, no one gives guarantees that the tenants themselves or simply unfriendliers will not report to the tax inspectorate about your business activities. When choosing a legitimate path, you have 3 tax deductions: to submit a tax return and pay 13% with a total amount of income, register as an IP and pay 6% (plus once a year to pay an insurance premium in the amount of 37,500 p.) Or purchase a patent that frees from paying taxes. In the last embodiment, the insurance premium will be 17,800 p. The cost of a patent depends on the region, in Moscow, for example, it is 60 000 r.


The next point is advertising an apartment on the Internet and newspapers, where you need to place a full description of the housing with photos. You can conclude a contract with a real estate agency that will promote your accommodation. In this case, the commission in the amount of 50% of the rental amount will have to pay. Practice shows that if the price is adequately installed, the owner independently without problems can realize housing. For a low price segment, it usually takes no more than two weeks, for average - up to a month, for an elite - up to two months.

Make an apartment rental agreement, preferably at the notary. Indicate in it the rights and obligations of the parties, the details of the parties, the characteristics of the apartment, the lease term, the responsibility of the parties in case of violation of the contract.

On the shows, lead to yourself confidently, show the apartment in a bright time of the day - the neighborhood, the entrance and the apartment look in a more advantageous light. Carefully read the documents of the future tenant, exchange photocopy of passports. Try to figure out all the controversial issues in advance, for example, the content of animals.

Quickly rent an apartment easily, observing the above rules. Moreover, every year the real estate rental market is becoming increasingly dynamic.

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