How to rent a room

How to rent a room

If you are owned by the premises, it can easily become a good source of income. You can rent it as a housing or office. Your tenants can be both ordinary individuals and legal. However, in order for this business, so to speak, it has not become a source of problems for you, you need to know the legislation of the Russian Federation and strictly follow its conditions.

First of all, the lease agreement should be concluded. For what purposes you would not have rented your room, with the goal of living in it, the opening of the office, the store, the hairdresser, the dental office, the real estate office, etc., insulting yourself from unpleasant situations and be sure to enter the lease agreement in two copies with signatures both sides. A sample of a standard version of the contract can be found on the Internet. This document does not need a notarization.

Given that any income in our country is taxed, you are no exception and should pay tax. It is done once a year, on the basis of the completed declaration in the tax inspection. If you do not really understand it, contact the audit office or to any accountant. For a small fee, you competently fill the declaration on the basis of your information and explain your rights and obligations.

Do not hide your income. Sooner or later, they will be learned about this in the tax inspectorate. If your tenant will list you a rent on a map, then at the base of payment, the source of income is always indicated, and soon it will be aware of the tax. In addition, controversial situations with tenants often occur, as a result of which they can report your hidden income. And besides the fact that you will be in an unsightly form, you may be a penalty for taxation of taxes in the amount of 20% of the unpaid amount and penalties in the amount of 8% per annum.

Given the fact that you receive income and have your small business, you may have to take free as an individual entrepreneur. In the legislation, there are cases when an individual needs to be issued as an already legal entity, and otherwise punishment cannot be avoided. So, you must arrange documented your business activities if you:

  • We rent the room to open the office in it.
  • Periodically renew the lease agreement.
  • We rent your room is not an individual, but an individual entrepreneur or firm.
  • Concludes a lease agreement for a long period of time, or it has an item on annual prolongation.
  • Bought the room specifically in order to further give it to rent and do not intend to use it exclusively for personal purposes.

You do not have to draw up yourself as a legal entity if your room is empty for some time and you decided to pass it on a short term for leasing to the physical face, so that it was not empty. But the tax on profits will still have to pay.

So, in this article we tried briefly set out your rights and obligations if you decide to rent your room. By the way, if you still have to take shape as an individual entrepreneur, the most profitable and convenient for your case will be a simplified tax system. Thanks to her, you will need to pay instead of the last 13% with your income only 6%.

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