How to treat the neck oblique baker

How to treat the neck oblique baker

Needlewomen do not know how difficult it is difficult to create some kind of product completely from beginning to the end, and difficulties occur when performing the smallest and inconspicable eye of parts. The same situation is also the oblique bay, which is treated with a neck of various products. It is for this reason that many needlewomen do not like to independently make such a detail of things. Let's take a look at how with your own hands you can handle the oblique baking neck of any product and find out all the secrets that will help simplify this process, and, at times.

Process nuances

If you know how to properly produce the process in question, then you will not see anything difficult in this. That is why it is very important to learn all the details of the process and find out all the secrets, then the level of complexity of reproduction of the neck of the oblique baker will be really low. The time of work will be no more than an hour, so carefully examine the instructions and disperse in detail.

First of all, you need to decide on exactly what we need in this business:

  • dense paper (you can use cardboard)
  • marker or e soap (in order to draw all the necessary lines and details)
  • oblique beyk (it can be bought in finished form or do it yourself)
  • iron
  • nutka
  • sewing machine (in the absence of such a manual, but in this case, the process is not recommended manually)
  • knitwear or chiffon (at your discretion)

In order for the end result to please you, it is necessary to correctly and accurately treat oblique beyond before composing it, this is the key to the success of the manufactured process.

Before you have to produce sections, you need to take into account all the properties of your chosen fabric and, of course, its appearance. Experienced needlewomen do not recommend using the following materials as a bay:

  • it should be understood that the intercourse of the fabric, which you have taken as a basis, will not be enough to cover oblique bay
  • the fabric on which there are shiny or the one that karyabs skin cover) it can cause skin redness and an allergic reaction)
  • translucent type fabric

  • fabrics that belong to excessively movable (silk or chiffon)
  • loose fabric is also not a suitable option, like a fabric that is very easy to stretch

But sometimes for some reason we cannot abandon one or another fabric option and here you have to work with what is at hand.

In the event that you are not sure that you can independently make a oblique beyk, you can use the ready that you will not acquire any problems in any specialized store.

The main thing in this business is to give the right form of a ready-made oblique beaker before you begin to feed it to the product and if you do everything correctly, then in the process of "joining" questions and problems will not arise:

  • If you use the materials very simple and easy in processing materials as an oblique faucet, then everything will be even easier, because it is not necessary to prepare them simply.
  • If the fabric is movable or transparent, loose (in general, the one that is undesirable), then it will be necessary to handle it before induction).


When all the details are clarified and at hand, all the necessary materials can begin direct actions:

  • To begin with, the needlewoman will have to be laid a marking line for a typewriter along the throat of the product. This is what contributes to the fact that the sections on the product will be more stable. Among other things, thanks to this step, you will be easier to combine the product and oblique beyk.
  • Now, take the cardboard and applying the pattern to it, drawing the throat of the armor and pass.
  • On the cardboard, we now have the line of the throat itself, we apply oblique bays here and proceed to the formation of this detail, it is necessary to do this without fanaticism.
  • First, we apply one edge of the faucet to the neck and start with the help of an iron, thereby fixing the place and giving it the necessary shape.
  • It must be remembered that applying plaque needs to also keep her width so that it does not change, regardless of the place to which it will be "attached."
  • Now that the beaker is completely propagated, it must be fixed on our cardboard basis. To do this, it is very convenient to use small needles (invisible).

  • We leave it in this position to cool, so that it finally accepted a certain form.
  • When Baika completely cooled and remained in the previously created form, it will be necessary to put the points on it with a marker that it will come into contact with the product itself.
  • Manually, you will need to notice this item, while it is worth flexing the flap itself of oblique bey, so that the stitches are made directly by bending.
  • The next step is to compress the oblique beyk. It is necessary to do it very carefully, not in a hurry, so that the line is attached to the line where you made the backbrais.
  • After the proceeded process, you will need to remove any notes.
  • Punches for the seams that will be on the neck will need to be left only if it requires the properties of your chosen fabric.
  • Now it will be necessary to beat the oblique beyk and, of course, it is good and very neatly restned. It is best to fix a fold inside the bay manually so that the seam was invisible.
  • The machine line of the finish must be continued along the inner edge of the oblique bey (in close proximity to the collar).

If you figure out, in practice, it is much easier to separate the neck of oblique baking than in theory, so do not slow down and proceed to business.

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