How to write a statement of fraud to the police

How to write a statement of fraud to the police

Have you come across a “network” of a real fraudster? Unfortunately, such situations occur daily. In order to find a criminal person and return your property, you need, firstly, to pull yourself together and soberly evaluate the whole situation. Secondly, it is necessary to seek help from law enforcement agencies. Let's look in detail how to draw up a similar statement to the police.

Fraud and its types

As defines article 159 of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code), fraud is considered the intentional theft of someone else's property or its acquisition by deception. Illegal actions can be performed by both a person and a whole criminal group, as a result of which, of course, the measure of punishment increases. To date common cases of fraudulent operations are:

  1. Illegal actions with bank cards. The criminal person takes care of personal information for any operations, up to the complete cashing of the account.
  2. Loans at Pseudo -Organizations. If you decide to borrow money, contact the proven bank only. Otherwise, you may encounter a daily raising of the interest rate, the sudden appearance of huge fines and delays.
  3. Internet canom. As a rule, the offender places an announcement of a profitable transaction on prepayment. When paying, you fall into the trick and, of course, do not get the goods.
  4. Street thefts and robberies. Be vigilant - this type of fraud is the most dangerous, because direct contact with the attacker can harm your health.

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Preparatory process

Before going to the police, you need to prepare well: collect evidence, evidence, find detailed information about the fraudster and other auxiliary materials in the case. In other words, you need any data confirming the fact of a crime. Otherwise, law enforcement officers simply will not take up the investigation. In addition, do not forget about the consequences of providing false information, as indicated art. 306 and 307 of the Criminal Code.

Document execution

Start drawing up a statement on the fact of fraud. Write clearly in the case, without unnecessary "water". Remember that grammatical, punctuation and semantic errors on the text of the document are unacceptable. When designing it, pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. In the application of the application, indicate the full name of the instance where you are contacting, as well as your contact details (full name, address and phone). It is best to draw up a document for a specific official, for example, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate. This will significantly accelerate the process of solving the problem.
  2. Enter your appeal as a "statement on the fact of fraud."
  3. Describe in detail your problem with the designation of the date, time and place of the crime. Do not be afraid to indicate all the information about the scam, if any. Reference to the specific facts and actions of the attacker that contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. Be sure to indicate the amount of loss and all possible losses due to the crime.

As evidence, attach auxiliary documents, as well as photos, videos and other materials that can help the investigation.

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Document filing channels

Provide a statement to the police department at the place of the crime. Register your appeal and expect an answer to it. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, this process takes up to 10 days. In addition, you can apply through portal of public services. To do this, log in and use the feedback channel "Get the Service".


Of course, it is best not to face fraud. Therefore, before trusting a stranger to trust, think several times, and also weigh the pros and cons. If you have at least any doubts, you will refuse the “scam”. After all, the most optimal option for combating fraud is his warning.

Comments leave a comment
Alexander 02/24/2017 at 12:30

I was deceived on the Internet VKontakte, they told me that they would bring the iPhone 6+, I have to pay for delivery, I paid, they threw me and blocked, well, I paid 1,100 rubles

    Zida 03/15/2017 at 18:49

    I was deceived too! I'm going to write a statement to St. Petersburg ATS for a book super publishing house. I sent money 9500 rubles. To print my books, children's poems and for six months now they lie and lie that they have problems, panic, they don’t know what’s the matter, why they don’t print my book cannot be found out !! And letters less and less, or even stopped writing. I wrote that people will come to them soon and will find out their problems !!! They think that if I'm in Tashkent, then I will not get them! Yes FIG to them !!! I will get it yet !!!

svetlana 02/02/2018 at 15:06

i ordered the goods via the Internet in the amount of 5550, she says the goods I send it, I ask her a check and the number of the track she feeds me breakfast, I corresponded with her in her classmates now she has blacklisted me, what should I do, how to return the money

svetlana 09/02/2018 at 18:31

Hello, according to an advertising campaign in classmates by remote sale by a photo on the site on the site and communication with the prudavz, I ordered an autoplane of Mitsuki 10 in 1,+modem, delivery 450, a result of 5440, they sent a wrist of Chinese watches, about two sets of layout, a density later, the repeated did not give the result, on the return of the money, LLC Sogers a/I174 140961 Moscow ACC, the parcel was formed in Podolsk, the Moscow Region, another method was ordered, sent from the same way, but I do not get the second package with a fraud. Until 18 February, what should I do in this case for a refund, and how to make an application to the police, thanks!

Lyudmila 02/09/2018 at 18:45

Hello. I was deceived by swindlers when requesting a credit card at the Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Under this bank, the scammers are encrypted, who beg money from the client for softened, then for delivery, etc., and then the calls are blocked.


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