What dreams someone else's wedding?

What dreams someone else's wedding?

Wedding is a solemn event in the life of every person who carries positive emotions, feeling the completeness of life and faith in a happy future. Wedding in a dream - a symbol of change and new features. Attend or see someone else's wedding - a sign that you are subconsciously ready for surprises that fate prepared for you. With the interpretation of sleep, it is important to take into account the dream details: whose wedding you saw, as whom were at the celebration and what feelings were tested.

What dreams someone else's wedding?

Seen in a dream someone else's wedding - a sign of more than the fact that the dreams are on the right path. Any solutions to make  in his everyday life, changes will be successful.

  • If dreaming in a dream was a guest guest at the celebration - wait for new meetings and dating that would change your life.
  • To be a witness at the wedding, regardless of whether you are familiar with the newlyweds, talks about positive changes in the future.
  • If you, as a guest of honor, have a lot of attention, in real life you will be assisted in a difficult life situation.
  • See yourself sitting at a luxurious wedding table - joyful meetings, events, and there is also a chance to meet their chosen.
  • A bright wedding dreamed in full swing, but without a groom - a bad sign. You are waiting for trouble and unforeseen difficulties in affairs. Be prepared for the solution of unexpected problems.
  • Watching someone else's wedding from afar - dream book promsing excitement, riots in the country or in the city that will not touch your family.

What does dream mean for unmarried girl?

For an unmarried girl, someone else's wedding is a favorable dream, which promises her an ambiguous meeting with a pleasant stranger. The meeting will be fateful, a quick marriage is possible.

  • To see a rival in the dream, which in your eyes is married - in real life will experience a feeling of jealousy. Dream interpretation is saving from excess aggression and  emotionality.
  • To see your own groom that marries another girl - you suspect the beloved in treason, but do not confess to yourself. It is necessary to find out the relationship. The missing can lead to the rupture of your union.
  • An ugly or elderly bride in a foreign wedding is to the danger that threatens close people.
  • Participate in preparing for someone else's wedding - wait for obstacles to the goal.
  • See yourself in someone else's wedding in a white wedding dress - a negative dream that warns about problems.

What does someone else's wedding mean in a dream for a married woman?

If a dream about someone else's wedding dreams of a married woman, then it's time for her more time to pay his family, especially elderly parents.

  • To see mom in a wedding dress in a dream - it is worth visiting her, it is possible to deteriorate her health or a decline of strength. She needs your support and participation.
  • To see the marriage of your own husband with another woman - an alarming dream, which means the fear of losing your favorite spouse. Trust and mutual understanding will strengthen your union.

What dreams of the wedding of relatives?

  • The sister's wedding dreams of cardinal change, to achieving the goal.
  • Marriage of brother in a dream - wait for meetings with an annoying fan.
  • See the wedding of the Son - a favorable dream. Your child guards from the troubles and adversity the guardian angel.
  • Parents wedding dreams of good and joyful events in family life.
  • A friend marries a dream and you are present at his wedding - a sign of beneficial cooperation, material support from his part.

Bride dresses color

  • See the bride in a white dress - success in affairs.
  • Red outfit - danger sign.
  • A black wedding dress of the bride in a dream talks about gossip, intrigues, goat flaws in reality.

What do popular dream books say?

  • Miller's dream book promises a dream who had a stranger wedding, a quick completion of difficult cases.
  • Wanta interprets a dream about a stranger wedding, as a willingness to help close people. Soon the help of native people may be needed to you. Being an honorable guest at a luxurious wedding - wait for an invitation to a party where you are waiting for new acquaintances and impressions.
  • Alien Wedding on Freuda - to good Wests.

If you saw someone else's wedding in a dream - wait from the life of pleasant surprises and change, fate is favorable!

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