What dream fishing

What dream fishing

For many people, especially men, fishing is a favorite time. Slowly sitting at the fishing rod on the bank or reservoir, rest and mentally and physically. Dreams associated with fishing are not always careless and warn the dream of important events that expect him in the future. Interpretation of sleep about fishing depends on who dreams dream - a man, a woman or young people. Let's try to figure out what dreams of fishing and what to expect from this dream?

Sleeping about fishing - What does it mean?

  • If you dreamed that you ourselves go fishing, without travelers - you are waiting for obstacles to which you are not ready morally. Trust your intuition.
  • Fishing on the shore - Sleep warns a dream that it's time to act, and not to swim downstream. It's time to complete unfinished affairs or give old debts.
  • See yourself in a boat - expect a winnings, rewards.
  • Catch the fish, but not to see the catch - most likely a dream will not succeed to succeed or achieve the desired result.
  • Good Klevel - wait for approval from the bosses.
  • Fishing fishless fishing, bare hands - life provides you with a chance to become successful. If the fish slipped out of your hands - you will miss a real chance.
  • Fishing in pure, quiet water in a dream is promoting success, and in muddy - to deterioration of well-being, fatigue and trouble.
  • Fishing in winter - a dream will have to look for a way out of complex confusing situations in life.
  • Go fishing with the whole family - wait for small quarrels and conflicts with households.
  • If your catch is a dead fish, expect losses if the fish has already begun to decompose - to unexpected profits.
  • Catch the fishing rod unusual, strange fish - a favorable sign, promises new opportunities, dating.
  • Search for a place to go fishing and not finding him - a dream awaiting unpleasant news.

Why dream fishing man

For a man, dreams about fishing are connected with his professional activities, business, relations with partners. In some cases, fishing is dreaming during the period of overworking, hard work. The body subconsciously sends a man to a signal that it's time to distract from business and relax, restore forces.

  • Catch the fish and catch a good catch - your business will be successful, all questions will be solved.
  • Fishing, but not catch anything - difficulties, obstacles to success.
  • Good catch - luck in affairs, to profits.
  • It is fishing with a companion - a man needs to be afraid of cunning women.

Interpretation of sleep for a woman

Woman dream about fishing predicts success and positive changes on the personal front. She is waiting for new pleasant dating, love experiences or the appearance of a wealthy lover.

  • Catch fish without a fishing rod, only with your hands, for a woman - the fulfillment of cherished desires.
  • A good catch is dreaming of ambulance.

What dreams of fishing with young people

  • Girl sleep about fishing carries a lot of positive emotions in reality.
  • Catch a large fish on fishing - get ready for a quick marriage.
  • Catch a small fish - the girl is waiting for small troubles and tears.
  • If, during fishing, the fish suddenly breaks down from the hook - to disappointment in a partner.
  • For a guy, sleep means the help of an influential person.

Interpretation of sleep about fishing on popular dreambooks

  1. Dream Vangu It suggests that the size of fish caught on fishing determines the magnitude of the troubles and misfortunes that the dream is coming. The smaller the fish, the smaller the problems waiting for you in reality.
  2. Dream Nostradamusa Tracts sleep about fishing, as the possibility of a dream find yourself in life, use the chances that fate gives. Catch fish - search for a correct solution in important issues.
  3. By dream of Miller Fishing dreams of the tide of the energy and the vitality, which the dreams should be directed to the solution of important and good deeds.
  • Fishing without catching Miller - a man needs to reconsider his desires and goals.
  • Catch fish during fishing - life is experiencing a dream for strength, get ready for testing that you will easily overcome.
  • To see fishing floating in clean and transparent water fish - a gift awaits you.
  • Swipe for fishing worms - you will wage your competitors or rivals.

Dreams are a reflection of our thoughts, desires and subconscious. To understand the dream, it is worth listening to your inner sensations and make conclusions for yourself, having learned the interpretation of a dream. Dreams about fishing are also positive, and are a warning from the wrong step or a deed.

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