What dreams onions

What dreams onions

In real life, each person's onions are subconsciously associated with tears. After all, the cutting of this vegetable causes abundant tear. Oddly enough, the bow in a dream also dreams also to tears, but in some interpretations, sleep has a positive value. Let's try to figure out what the onions will dream of.

Onions - Main interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed of a bow, wait for the disappointment in some kind of person or in his act. Such a dream will tear tears and trouble from the deeds of envious and enemies who envy your success. To specifically interpret the dream, you need to remember all the details of sleep.

  • Collect the crop onion in a dream - get recognition in your work, you are waiting for success in your career or expansion of business. Your desire for victory will be implemented, and plans will be brought to life.
  • If you dream that you brush the onions from the husk, and there is no tears - the troubles and small problems will end quite successfully.
  • Play when cleaning onion or cut it with a knife - maybe unpleasantly clarifying relationships with loved ones. You are waiting for spiritual flour and doubts.
  • Buy onions in a crowded place - wait for good news about the close person who went on amendment after a protracted disease.
  • If the dreams in a dream sells onions, the dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a caution from the skirmishes with enemies, you may be drawn into an unpleasant situation. In esoteric dream book, the sale of the onion on the market is a good sign that foreshadows income from its own business with the right approach to cases or foreshadows the opening of its business.
  • To see a huge amount of bunch on a garden in a dream means great luck in all matters. However, small goats from ill-wishers that will not harm your success are possible.
  • Looking out onion heads to the ground - promises good luck in business.
  • Catching the bulbs to landing - you are at the crossroads and do not know what direction to choose for further action. You may not trust the facts provided and question the information received.

There are onions - What does dream mean?

Often in a dream we see and use dishes, in the preparation of which onions participates. What does a dream promise, in which the dreams eat onions?

  • If in a dream you eat the roasted onions, then wait for the calm in your career or business, most likely you will be waiting for a calm and stable period in life.
  • Eating onions in the fresh form - be prepared for the fact that soon your mystery can be revealed.
  • Prepare in a dream dish with a bow - expects financial stability.

What does Dream Miller say

  • By the dream of Miller, the bow in a dream has a negative value and indicates a manifestation of the black envy to the dream from his friends or colleagues. The dream should look at his surroundings, try not to share with anyone with any plans and disclose secrets relating to his personal life.
  • Eat the head of the bow - enemies or competitors are seriously customized by the passion of you. Wait for a trick.
  • Buy onions - to family problems with relatives. Perhaps you will need your help or support to eliminate the vital troubles of your loved ones.

What does Sonnik Freud say

By Freud's dream book, in a dream, a young bow with green arrows in a dream, says about your desire to have a partner much younger younger. If the onion was in a golden peel, the dream book talks about the excellent sexual possibilities of the dream, about his sexuality. Garlands of mature beautiful bulbs in a dream  - About sexual insatiability. But, if the onions are old and rotten, then your sexual life is threatened, problems are possible in sexual terms.

Dream Vangu

Wang's dream book does not promote the dream of a dream, which saw onions in his dream, and treats a dream as the occurrence of a turning point in a person's life. In the future, he is waiting for new opportunities, dating, unexpected news who radically change his familiar rhythm of life.

Despite the different interpretations of sleep, both positive and negative, it is necessary to trust their intuition and learn the interpretation of sleep depending on the current situation in life at the moment.

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