What dream of cabbage?

What dream of cabbage?

Cabbage is one of the most common and healthy vegetables on our table. A bright image of green and juicy cabbage can come to us in a dream. What does such a dream mean?

What dreams of cabbage - learn from famous dreams

Cabbage in a dream has an ambiguous value.

  • Miller's dream book claims that the cabbage seen in the dreams promises the mess in the thoughts and the deeds of the dream.
  • Dream Dream Hasse speaks of a favorable dream value and foreshadows a dream of pleasant surprises.
  • Dream Longo interprets a dream as the fast arrival of guests to your home. See the cabbage salad along the Longo - to a major profit, and eat it in food - to a quick recovery.
  • Wanga believes that if you dreamed, how you plan the cabbage to the ground, then this is a favorable sleep. The dream is waiting for pleasant troubles. Cut cabbage - to sorrow.
  • By Freud's dream book, see the cabbage bed in a dream - your business will soon improve, you will be able to overcome all obstacles to the goal. A lot of cabbage on the beds - you should not be exchanged on trifles, focus on success.

Sleep value: Fresh or rotten cabbage

For interpretation of sleep about the cabbage, it matters in what form you saw a vegetable.

  • To see a growing cabbage with juicy and elastic leaves - they are waiting for good leaders and joyful events in life.
  • There is a large cabbage field - fuss and hassle in reality, possibly gossip.
  • To see rotten vegetables - soon you will learn the reason for your failures and misses.
  • There is a bad meaning of sleep, in which the dreams sees the cabbage leaves covered with mold. You are waiting for a family scandal and finding out relationships with loved ones.
  • Cabbage made by insects will dream of gossip and rumors.

Sleep value: Cabbage varieties

It is known that there is a huge amount of cabbage varieties. Interpretation of sleep depends on what kind of grade vegetable dreamed.

  • White cabbage dreams of small trouble and troubles.
  • See a cauliflower in a dream - you will learn about someone else's secrete or mystery.
  • Brussels cabbage in a dream - a sign of leaning. Do not commit odd purchases.
  • To dream of broccoli - to health problems.
  • A good value has a nautical cabbage. Dream interpretation promises a dream canceled health or a quick recovery of a loved one.

What dreams of sauer and salt cabbage?

  • If in a dream you see a beautiful dish with an appetizing sauerkraut, sleep means that you will soon have a good acquisition.
  • The sauerkraut in the dirty and unattractive container promises empty spending and loss.
  • The salted cabbage of the non-unique view is dreaming of small trouble. A juicy and crispy salty cabbage in a dream is a symbol of fast change.

Sleep value: harvesting, cotton or buy cabbage

  • Collect the Cabbage Vintage - Unforeseen expenses, learn to save.
  • Cut a large kochan with a bed - wait for payback for your actions.
  • Shed cabbage on the garden - replenishment in the family.
  • Fold the harvest in drawers, bags, a dream basket is waiting for financial success.
  • Buy kochan cabbage on the market - you are too demanding to others.
  • Trade cabbage on the market - receiving remuneration.
  • Low cabbage - to quarrels.
  • Prepare green vegetable dishes - disappointment in a close person.

Dishes with cabbage in a dream

  • Eating dishes with cabbage in a dream promise favorable changes and unexpected surprises. Possible arrival of welcome guests.
  • Cabbage pie in a dream - to travel, rest.
  • Patty with cabbage will take off to small troubles that will not affect the usual life.
  • Fresh cabbage salad - to profits or win, especially if it includes other vegetables.

Sleep value for women and men

  • If a unmarried girl dreamed of a white cabbage of a large size, it is waiting for quick changes in his personal life.
  • See in a dream cauliflower - to the emergency wedding.
  • For a married woman see a dream in which she walks in the market, choosing the best cabbage kochan, means a pleasant news about pregnancy.
  • A kind of pregnant woman has a favorable meaning. Rich Cabbage Vintage in Snow - a sign of light pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Less positive sleep for a strong floor. Sleep promises troubles and problems associated with his professional activities. Most likely, the dream surrounds envious colleagues.

Interpretation of sleep associated with cabbage is very diverse. For some dreams, sleep is favorable and promoting joy and profits, some warn about trouble. Listen to your intuition.

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