What dreams of tears

What dreams of tears

Resenting, loss, mental suffering causes any tears from any person. According to many dreams, tears in a dream are joyful events in real life and carry a positive value. Sleep details will help to figure out the correct dream interpretation.

Own tears in a dream

To see yourself in a dream of a crying - a favorable sign, especially if the crying caused a dream of peace of mind.

  • Gorough tears in the dream - to the rapid improvement of all cases, to the joyful events in reality.
  • Many tears - interpretation of sleep is ambiguous. The dream can warn a person as a possible stressful situation in reality and about positive changes in his life.
  • Crying because of the resentment in a dream - wait for joyful Westa.
  • Play due to losses of loved ones - expect to enhance the service or approval of the authorities.
  • Tears from pain - In reality, pleasant communication is waiting for you.
  • Tears because of insulting in a dream - to a pleasant time.
  • To see a lonely tear on your face - you are waiting for a cheerful friendly party.
  • Large droplets of tears rolling out of the eyes - a symbol of love and passion in relationships with the beloved.
  • Drops of tears fall on the floor - change in the professional sphere.
  • Feel a salty taste of their own tears - the opportunity to engage in self-education and improvement.
  • Wipe tears with a handkerchief - to a long road.
  • Spring "crocodile tears" - a harbinger of a novelitude.

See other people's teles

  • To see a crying girlfriend in a dream - wait for a cheerful party in a pleasant company, also a dream promises new pleasant dating.
  • Console the crying girlfriend - the dream is waiting for a new occupation or passion
  • Crying relatives in a dream promises a new acquaintance and a romantic date. The older the relative, the adult will be a new chosen one.
  • Tears of the child - you have a harmonious relationship with a partner who is not threatened.
  • Tears of a young man in a dream mean that the dreams seeks to career growth. However, it is worth fear of envious and gossip.
  • See drops of tears drawn on the face of a clown - the life of you to prepare the tests with which you can easily handle.
  • To bring a person to tears offended words - the opposition to the reality between the bosses and subordinates.
  • To see the crowd of crying people in the cemetery - you are waiting for success, Fortune on the side of the dream.
  • To see mom crying in a dream - anxious dream, which says that you will have a feeling of spiritual flour. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness from everyone who you offended.

Tears in a dream by dream book Vanga, Miller, Freud

According to Freud, all dreams that we see are a reflection of our subconscious. Tears that have seen in a dream on Freud symbolize the ejaculation or an active search for a sexual partner.

  • If the tears of his man saw a woman, means her satisfaction with his chosen one.
  • Cry in a dream - to pregnancy
  • It dreams that you quarrel with a partner and crying - to failure in sex life.

Miller's dream book interprets a dream as possible failures in the near future if you have had your own tears.

  • See other people's tears - you will find support from loved ones.
  • To see a crying mother in a dream - pay attention to your own health.
  • Gorky cry in a dream - disappointment in a partner.
  • Tears for the girl in Miller is an unfavorable sign that promises parting with a partner.

Dream Vangu, on the contrary, treats a dream as positive. The person is waiting for success and recognition.

  • To see in a dream of a crying friend or acquaintance - this person will cause you pleasant emotions in reality.
  • Hysteria, tears in a dream - to a celebration or wedding. For married - wait for an invitation to your marriage.
  • See maternal tears - there is a chance of a disease.
  • An unfavorable value is a dream in which the dreams cried and woke up with tears in his eyes. He promises deterioration of the well-being or decline in reality.
  • Cry in a dream from happiness - your problem will soon be successful.

Tears who pour out of our eyes in moments of sadness, resentment or joy, give relief from suffering, help to cope with stress. Sad dreams with tears are most often inverted when the negative emotions of the dream are promising positive changes and joyful events in reality.

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