What is a payment password in Yandex Money

What is a payment password in Yandex Money

The Yandex.Money payment service differs from the other simplified procedure for registration and quick authorization in the system. You do not have to download additional applications, memorize special answers and there is no "Question-answer" system. However, to protect the wallet users, the service still exists authentication steps. The main one is your payment password. When registering, each user must come up with a password and not report it to anyone. The system asks it every time at the entrance. You can bind to the score an email address and a mobile phone number to be able to restore your password at any time.

How to change the payroll password in Yandex.Money

If you are logged in in the system, but simply decided to change the payment password for personal reasons, then do it easily, for this you will not need confirmations by mail or telephone.

  • In the upper right corner, find your login or name. Click on it once.

  • In the pop-up menu you need to select "Passport".

  • Among all categories you need "Account Security". It has a subsection "Change Password".

Now enter such data:

  • On the first line your current payable password.
  • On the second - new. It is necessary to invent it selectively, it is better to introduce at least eight characters, lowercase and capital letters, numbers.
  • Repeat the new password on the third line to eliminate the possibility of typing.
  • Repeat off the picture.

Click "Save". Now your payment password is changed to the new one.

  • It is better to do in cases where you are not sure that the account is reliably protected and no one has access to it. You can change the password unlimited number.

What do you need a payment password in Yandex.Money

Making any operation, you must confirm it with your password. It is done to ensure the safety of your wallet. It is worth inventing a complex and long password, which will contain as many different characters as possible.

The main problem of the service is the big freedom of action inside the wallet, if you have already logged in and you know the password. So, you are entitled to change the email address without any confirmation and make purchases, transfer money to other wallets. Therefore, you need to think about filling out full profile information and creating a complex password.

How to restore payment password in Yandex.Money

If you tried to log in, but it did not come out, it makes sense to request the recovery of the payment password. Remember that it is the most important point in ensuring the security of the account with the wallet. Try different options.

Restoring the Treatment Password Yandex.Money via SMS

  • This method is suitable only if you tied the phone number to your account earlier.
    After an unsuccessful input attempts, click on the button "Can't Log in" under the input form.

  • Enter the login again, check it out correctly, enter the captcha.

  • Select the phone recovery way.

  • You will need to enter your phone number that was previously tied to the account. This is also done for security purposes, because fraudsters cannot know your room for sure.
    Click "Get Code".
  • You have left a special code on your phone and enter it in the field on the screen. After that, the system will automatically reset the password and give you to come up with a new one. You can go to this form directly from the article by link.

Restoring the Treatment Password Yandex.Money via the email address

  • If you have chosen a method for recovery "Additional Email", the code will come to the second e-mailbox specified during registration.

  • Enter this address in the field and click "Get Code". This code you copy from the letter from Yandex and insert in the field on the site.
  • You can reset the password by mail link.
    Of course, this option is also possible that you do not remember the email addresses, and the phone did not attach. What to do in such a situation you will learn next paragraph.

How to restore the payment password in Yandex.Money, if you forgot all the information

  • Under the recovery field, you will see a special link "Cannot Recover?". Click on it, it will lead you to a special form, a kind of application, to access your wallet.

  • Fill in with genuine information all fields of the form, you need to try to remember the last password that you remember and the date of the last entrance to the wallet. Think well and send a statement by technical support. After that, wait for an answer to the specified email address. If you specify all the information correctly, access will be restored.

How to protect your yandex wallet and improve payable password

It is easier to protect yourself when there is a lot of owner data in the wallet, try to take such steps:

  • First of all, fill out the profile of full information about yourself, including the real name and last name, year of birth and the city of residence.
  • Add an additional email address through the Yandex passport settings.
  • Tie a phone number.

In addition, the service has a "double password" function. That is, you first enter your payment password, and then get an SMS with a one-time code to be entered to enter the wallet. Such a way, the entrance is carried out at all online banking, for the reliability of the process.

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