How to use and contact tech support Yandex.Money

How to use and contact tech support Yandex.Money

Communication with user support on any electronic money service is the most important nuance of working with the site. If any problem has happened, or you did not find an answer to your question on the Internet, then you simply resort to the help assistance. In addition, if any incomprehensible situations are on the service or in the wallet, it is best to ask a question directly to the support service, and not to look for help from the Internet advisers, since you get completely reliable and relevant information there. Perform all steps in gradually, relying on an example in this article.

Log in to Yandex.Money on the link Enter your wallet. After that, go to the bottom of the page.

On the gray panel you will see several sections and white links. Pay attention to the most left column. On the second line there will be a "Support" button and question mark icon. Click on it.

You will find yourself on the main page of the technical support portal Yandex.Money.
For example, you needed to solve the problem with your bank card. Then go to the "Bank cards" section in the left menu. On this example, you can refer to any tab, depending on the situation.

In the pop-up list below, find your case. If you did not find it, refer to the next step of the article.

The most recent section is "solving problems." Click on this field if you did not find a response to your question in tabs.

You will have several links, among which there may still be an answer to your question. If you did not find it, it remains to be resorted to a direct connection with the technical support of the site. Click on the field "I have another problem."

If the matter is urgent, then do not postpone it for later - call hot numbers and explain the situation. Contact center specialists will help you.
In the case when you are ready to wait a response from support in electronic format, go to the filling of the form below.

First of all, select your problem from the partitions presented on the site. Click on the "Theme" line and in the drop-down list, click on it, in this example, we have questions about working with bank cards.

It is important to note the checkbox subsection to come the answer most quickly.

Now fill out reliable information about your wallet.

  • Enter the last 4 digits of your card,
  • Fill the Big Field with Writing. Try to concisely describe the problem with all the details of what happened.
  • Specify the wallet number.
  • Enter the email address specified when registering if you are tied it.
  • In some cases, screenshots or photos will be required.

Send your request by the "Send Message" button.

Specialists will answer your question in the fastest time limit and will help solve the problem. Do not forget that how much exactly and truthfully filled the form will depend on the speed and quality of the response response.

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