Technologies do not stand still, and with them and ways to make money. Innovation surprised the world again, now the Bitcoins and Etherifications are new electronic currencies that you cannot present in the form of bills, touch or get as a salary. These currencies are mined electronically, but in many cities of the world have already appeared special terminals in which you can pay for buying by Bitcoins. In this article, you will get acquainted with the concepts of mining, farms for him and learn why such farms are needed.
What is mining
Understand this term is simply if you turn to English: " mining."- This is mining any minerals. So called, for example, miners.
In the process of mining, a person extracts an electronic currency by providing reserves for its video card or processor under the need for calculations. For these reserves you get the selected electronic cryptocurrency.
It should be borne in mind that every currency behaves in their own way, grows and falls. And not all currencies you can get for the mining on the reserve of the video card or processor, for example, the Etherumer is obtained only at the expense of the processor reserve.
What is mining farm
Of course, a farm is difficult to name, but any designs and groups of video cards that are created specifically for mining can be called farms. People buy for several powerful video cards, collect them into one system and connect to the main computer. As a rule, only six video cards can be connected to one computer.
Farms are created from video cards, despite the fact that processors are also suitable for mining cryptocurrencies. Combine several processors much more difficult, longer and more costly for money. Therefore, experienced miners choose the video cards.
How quickly brings incoming mining farm
Mining requires some investments before he starts income. First of all, these are the cost of buying several video cards. Powerful cards that give good performance, cost about $ 500 per one. First you have to recoup this attachment, and then count the income.
Farms are not only physical, but also cloud. This is a less profitable view of earnings, but also simpler.
Is it possible to make a farm yourself
The process of creating a farm for mining occurs somewhat more complicated than it seems at first glance. You need not only to purchase equipment, but also to customize it, calculate the capabilities of the motherboard. If it cannot withstand the connection to the specified number of video cards, then you will have to change it, and the prices for good motherboards are also not low.
You have to find a good software for the extraction of bitcoins, as they are different and perform on different conditions. In addition, you can form mining a farm not only from video cards, but also snirt a little: connect to one wallet with cryptocurrency several computers. You need to always maintain them in working condition, do not use without a special need, as it will take power consumption.
When creating your own farm, the purchase of equipment can pay off up to nine months, depending on the number of video cards, their power, production time. Examine more mining methods, as some of them provide you with a quick start and good earnings, but lowers it over time. Other programs, on the contrary, allow increasing income.
Mining is no longer new and unexplored to earn money. It is studied and reliable earnings, which requires a competent approach and personal investment, cryptocurrency market tracking.