Birthday is a special holiday for children, because they are looking forward to him for a whole year. Ideas for the celebration of such a day abundantly, but it should be remembered that our children do not like fat and acute food. They will never shove if they do not like the dish. Remember that no child will give up fabulously decorated dishes.
First steps in drawing up a festive menu
- Take yourself planning a party for 1-2 weeks before the holiday.
- Make sure your menu is well planned. Write down all the dishes that you will cook.
- Plan your menu based on the number of guests, including parents.
- Find out if there are special food allergies from any of the children. If a particular food product contains what one of the little guests are allergies, report this to the child and the accompanying adult.
Baked chicken fillet
What kind of child does not like nutritious and gentle chicken fillet? Decorate your children's table with ruddy chicken pieces. A few days before the holiday, cut them in breadcrumbs and freeze, and on the day of the parties just put the chicken in the oven. You can replace the bird with solid white fish, sliced \u200b\u200bon strips.
Cook mini pits
One of the simple and nutritious dishes for the children's table is the mini-pizza. For her, you can choose a set of stuffs: chicken and mushrooms, cheese and red pepper for vegetarian dishes, salami and simple cheese.
For the base, take the following ingredients:
- 1½ Wheat flour circles,
- ½ cool water mugs
- a pinch of salt,
- 1st.L. olive oil.
Put all the ingredients in the kitchen processor and beat until the dough is smooth. It rolls it out well (1 cm thickness). To make mini peak, cut the circles for cookies or a regular glass. Lubricate the base with ketchup and put the filling on top.
4) chicken on a skewer
Almost all the children love food on chopsticks, so cook the chicken kebab on the festive table. The meat must be pre-chopped, and when applying, do not forget to put the sauce on the table. Prepare 1 kg of chicken fillet, which cut into smooth pieces. You can alternate meat with celery, carrot or cucumber. Children will be interested in dipping meat into peanut or tomato sauce.
Marinade: 2 tbsp. Olive oil mix with 3 tbsp. Sour creams and 3 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. Salt and pepper to taste.
- Meat pickle. Cut the bulb (it is needed only for pickling, because not all the children love onions).
- Leave meat on a day in the cold.
- Dress the chicken ships.
- Fry the donated meat on a frying pan on a small amount of oil.
- Wrap a chicken in Foil.
- Before the holiday, just put chicken ships in the oven (180º C) for 30 minutes.
Children's hamburgers
Mini hamburgers are well suited for children's handles, and you can prepare them in just 15 minutes. Instead of chicken, put roasted eggs or beef. For a vegetarian version, replace the meat with a piece of cheese. Ready buns can be taken in any supermarket.
Saintwich-snake from cucumber
Original snack can be made together with a birthday room. Your sandwich snake will be remembered for a long time and will disappear from the table in a matter of minutes. You can experiment with various ingredients and flavors.
- 6 ham slices,
- 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter
- 2 tbsp. l. cream cheese
- 1 carrot, purified and grated,
- 4 loaf,
- a little creamy oil
- 1 kiwi,
- 1 Cucumber.
For decoration:
- 2 little red peppers,
- green onions.
Preparation steps:
- Cut the circles from bread or use loaf.
- Lubricate the bread with oil, cheese and decompose between cucumbers, ham and other products that you have chosen.
- Of the ends of the fresh cucumber, make the snake head and tail.
- Pepper eyes attach to the toothpicks to the body.
- Kiwi residues Put next to the snake. In the stalks of Luke insert the toothpicks and install them in Kiwi.
- Snake tongue cut from ham.
Banana penguins
It is no secret that almost all children love fragrant bananas. If you dip them into chocolate - you can get a simple and nutritious dessert.
- Ground chocolate melts in the microwave.
- Punked in half a banana dip in hot chocolate (upper and lower parts).
- Using Dragee M & M's Make your nose, eyes and legs.
- Before feeding, put sweets in the refrigerator.
Potato ships
Baked potatoes on chopsticks perfect for any children's holiday. Form unusual boats from it and they will quickly eat your guests.
- 16 young potatoes,
- 4 Cherry Tomato,
- 40 g of solid cheese.
- Boil young potatoes in uniform.
- Bring the temperature of the oven to 200 ° C and bake the potatoes until golden color, adding a bit of salt.
- Cut the tubers on large pieces and place them on the skewers, alternating with cheese. Top ship decorate the halves of tomato.
Fruit dessert
Fresh fruits are a great option for children's breakfast, snacks or dessert. Unlike fast food, they have a necessary set of vitamins and nutrients that are required for a growing body.
- oval cookies,
- round cookies,
- 250 g of strawberries,
- lemon juice,
- sugar optional
- 1 egg squirrel,
- whipped cream.
Preparation steps:
- Grind fresh strawberries in a blender.
- Good whisk protein.
- Mix cream, sugar (optional), egg white, lemon juice and strawberry puree.
- Place round biscuits on the bottom of the form, and the dessert side place oval biscuit.
- In the middle, pour the cream and decorate the fruit.
- Give a cool cream a little. Before serving, pull the dessert from the cup. You can fix the edges with a decorative ribbon.
Unusual festive cake "Spiderman"
What is the birthday without a birthday cake? Today, their decoration can be considered peculiar art. Colorful spray glazes, mastic, different intricate forms and designs give the baking complex look. Attach your child to make a special day more memorable. All you need is inspiration and creativity.
- Prepare two biscuit embers. As soon as the pies baked and cooled, use a serrated knife to align the edges.
- Beat the butter and cream. Part of the glaze Make bright blue colors to form a ring (border) around the perimeter of the cake.
- Cover the root of the gentle cream, on top. Put a layer of chopped strawberries and close the berry with a cream.
- Put the second cake and cover it with blue icing. Cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- Start the formation of a spiderman face at the top of the cake. Start with a rough contour of the face. Then fill the eyes with white icing, using a star-shaped tip, and the rest is a red icing.
- At the top of the cake, draw long black lines extending from the face, on his sides and ending with small black dots on the tray. Complete the web with curved lines.
- Put your masterpiece into the cold.
For a festive children's table, serve proven and familiar products, no need to experiment. Try to make most of the cooked dishes can eat hands. Attract children to decorate the table, do not forget to be interested in their opinions.