What can I give a friend's birthday

What can I give a friend's birthday

What you can give a girlfriend for a birthday - a fairly common question. A good girlfriend often becomes like a native person, sometimes even better than sister. With it, we share the innermost secrets themselves, ask the council, and just spending time together together. When it comes her birthday, I want not only to tritely give a gift, but come up with something unusual, please and surprise.

Where to start a choice of gift

The first thing to be done is to analyze what a friend is a person, her character, the habits, what her hobby is, what she admires, and which cannot tolerate. It is also worth considering what lifestyle she leads, maybe it is a housewife or a driving amateur, the soul of any company. It is also important how much girlfriend years. Agree that a woman for thirty do not give the fact that the girl is 14 years old. After such an analysis, choose a gift will be much easier.

If a girlfriend is romantic

Romantic parties most appreciated, and not what kind of gift they were presented. But the present for such a girl should be with notes of romance.

  • You can give a birthday party, such as a goldfish, so that its most intimate desires come true.
  • If your friend, like any romantic person, loves to look at the stars, give her a telescope so that she can see them in another format.
  • Also excellent gift will be her portrait made on canvas. This picture can be ordered by the artist or draw yourself, if it works well with you.
  • Well, maybe your friend dreams of a kind of exotic plant, a small kitten, or a jewelry box? Then it will become for her the best gift.

If a girlfriend is an active girl

Girlfriend, who and minutes cannot stop in place, loves sports and leads an active lifestyle gift worth choosing her style. Such a girl will pay courses for self-development, a subscription to the gym or aqua-shaping.

Yoga amateur can be giving a rug for classes, aromatic oils and electronic candles.
If a friend has a round date and your finances have a more expensive present, the best surprise for the active girl will be a simulator.

If a friend is a connoisseur of culinary masterpieces

What girl does not like sweets? Probably, there are units of such representatives of the fine sex. Therefore, going to the name day to the girlfriend you can bring to her as a gift the original bouquet, created from candy or cake with the image of the culprit of the celebration. For a lover to create culinary masterpieces with their own hands with the best gifts:

  • ice cream;
  • kremer;
  • carving kit;
  • cookbook;
  • set for molecular kitchen.

Climb the mood of the hostess apron with an original inscription or a medal for culinary achievements.

If a girlfriend is a wealthy lady

For a girlfriend having everything in sufficiency is quite difficult to choose a gift. But even the most wealthy lady can surprise an unusual gift. For life, leave impressions:

  • skydiving;
  • air balloon flight;
  • an unforgettable day in the SPA salon;
  • horseback riding;
  • thematic master class;
  • intriguing quest.

Also a friend can be arranged a professional photo session or organize a picnic in her honor. You will not less please the tickets to the premiere of the film or the concert of the favorite artist. When a friend has an excellent sense of humor to raise the mood of the Oscar statuette, the Hollywood star, the oil tower in the form of a souvenir, a special medal for some unusual merit.

If the girlfriend is pregnant

A friend of the waiting kid needs more positive emotions, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The gift should be interrelated with one of these items. Excellent presentation for the birthday will be:

  • fruit basket;
  • subscription for sports activities for pregnant women;
  • special cosmetics;
  • photo session for the future mother;
  • diary;
  • scales.

Whatever a gift was, the main thing that he was picked up with love and from a pure heart, then he would bring joy and leave pleasant impressions for many years.

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