What does the name Elena mean?

What does the name Elena mean?

Do you decide which name to choose your baby or want to know what your own name does? Here we will talk about the female name Elena. This name is in the ranking of the most common names. If you take Christian countries, the name Elena is inferior in popularity only by Maria. What does such a popular name mean and who were the first women who worn it.

The meaning of Elena

Elena, classic greek name, what do we know about him? Exact etymology remains unresolved secret, the name Elena in antiquity meant "radiance, shine." The first Elena charm Homer. Because of the beauty and nobility, Elena Troyanskaya was unleashed by the Trojan war. There is another alternative: in its classic writing, the name had a dash before the original letter, which replaced the letter "σ". This theory says that Elena originated from the words "light, glow", from which the words of the Moon, Ellie and Allad are also occurred.

Excursion to history

As in the case of two ambiguous name values, there are also stories about the two most famous carriers of this name.

The myth of Elena is beautiful

Homer is referred to as the daughter of Zeus and his wife ice, that her husband after a long series of applicants, became the king of Sparta Menel. But the Trojan Tsarevich Paris kidnapped the beautiful Elena and this event was the beginning of the Trojan war. At the end of the Trojan War, Elena returned to Sparta and great honors were rewarded with her beauty.

Holy Equal-Apostles Tsarina Elena Mother of the Equal-Apostles Tsar Constantine

In Orthodoxy, the celebration of these saints falls on May 21 (according to the old style). Elena, born in the 3rd century AD. century in Viphini, was not a significant lady, she worked at the hotel. From an early age, she studied Christianity, although the religion came much later at the age of 60. She married the future emperor Constance and when he was killed, their son Konstantin inherited the throne of the Roman Empire.

He transported his mother to the palace and after the adoption by Konstantin Christianity, Elena also accepted the Holy Baptism. The Roman Empire became the first state that took Christine at the state level. Elena, being already in old age he made pilgrimage to Palestine, where I found a Christian relic - the cross of the Main, as well as the burial place of Jesus Christ.

She founded new temples including the christmas and resurrection temple on Calvary. About Saint Elena There are many legends that were created during her trip to Palestine.

Name and fate

These are dynamic personality that achieve their goals perseverance. They have a high performance in order to live well. They are generous and merciful. Elena live in their inner world, but if a strong personality is a nearby, they can comply with a strong will. During the periods of the greatest emotional experiences, women with this name can neglect their direct responsibilities and completely plunge into themselves.

In childhood, Elena can do any case. They have enough perfection to knit, sew or draw - this quality helps well study at school. But love for the movement, to sports is the same distinguishing feature of Elena. They are very sociable, relationships with friends are benevolent and equal. People around them see them smart, fast and honest.

In the world where jewelry, palaces and magnificent techniques live, Elena Most comfortable. Flexible character helps to communicate with people and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Moreover, these women are not devoid of intuition, which correctly serves the implementation of plans in their lives.

Negative features in its character can be called excessive caution, diligence, calculation. Another weak side is stubbornness that can harm others, as well as - laziness. After all, it is not for nothing that Lena was born earlier than Lena. They are inherent in the feature not to bring the work started to the end, leave for tomorrow, "forget".

As Elena women are very attractive for men. However, the satellite of life will be only a man - father who is able to calm their alarm. They are inherent in the innate beauty of beauty. But as a delicate flower requires attention, warmth, care and love, they want this from a man being located nearby. With adequate care, Elena - the wife will implement all its positive qualities. She can be happy herself and gives happiness to others. Elena is trusting, but do not use their limitless trust. If you are outreached in lies, you can forever lose their confidence. Inside the walls of the house, they are waiting for peace and calm.

Elena's sociability should find a way out in her profession, so its choice must be associated directly by people, in front of which she can show themselves. She is suitable for the profession of actress, artist, mannequins, seller-demonstrator, organizer of events, etc.

Variety options name

We have already spoken earlier about the popularity of the name Elena, and now we propose to find out how many derivative names exists from this name. The following versions are especially popular. ), Lenin (Romanian), Lena (Russian), Jel, Elika, Christmas tree (Serbian), Ileana, Ilyana (Spanish), Lesya (Ukrainian).

Star named Elena

James Craig Watson discovered in 1868 a large asteroid diameter of which is estimated at 66 km. He was impressed with him and assigned the name of Elena to this celestial body.

If you decide to give your daughter the name Elena, be sure to pay attention to the successful combination of this name with the patronymic and the surname, whatever they emphasize the significance and strength of this beautiful name.


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