What does the name Victoria mean?

What does the name Victoria mean?

Victoria's name is quite common and in demand. It takes a leading place in the list of the most beautiful names. But it is not surprising, because in translation from Latin it means "victory".

Character Victoria

Calling a daughter Victoria, you need to be ready for perseverance and demanding little, but such a powerful girl. Victoria is demanding not only to himself, but also to others. Therefore, she very carefully selects a circle of communication, which is very difficult to get. The main features of the character of Victoria are:

  • hot temper;
  • emotionality;
  • livity (Vika knows exactly what business can be postponed before tomorrow);
  • hardness in the decision;
  • kindness;
  • justice.

Victoria in early childhood

From childhood, Victoria is already produced in advance. She does not like to share toys with peers, but also herself will never take someone else's. If the girl make a remark, she begins to get into themselves and will look at the offender from under the forehead, not to say a word. Victoria is very patient. She will not cry because he fell off the bike and scratched his knee. All Victoria Hyperactive. This energy should be sent to the right direction, so from early childhood it is necessary to take care of the creative circle. Most Vika will fit:

  • dancing;
  • gymnastics;
  • athletics;
  • figure skating;
  • wrestling.

Victoria in youth

At this age, the girl just blooms. Victoria is diligently begins to engage in his appearance, visits the gym. But what success it did not reach, Vika will never be completely satisfied with himself. She likes guys. As a rule, it is Victorics become the beauties of the school. But in school, the girl succeeds. She is interested in humanitarian sciences, especially the story. But everything will depend on the teacher, if he manage to interest Victoria his subject, then the girl will be hard to study it. However, it will not be able to become an excellent. Victoria has very strongly manifests youthful maximalism and transitional age. She does not find a common language with parents. During this period, others begin to open, not very pleasant traits of character:

  • not the ability to recognize your mistake (ask for forgiveness by the girl is given worse than);
  • false (Victoria in the youth is prone to fantasy, sometimes the girl begins to believe himself in his lies);
  • stealth (Victoria will never tell, which is actually going on with her soul, faced with such a problem, parents will be very difficult to learn the truth).

Victoria in the collective

Victoria finishes a university very successfully, and starts searching for work. She does not need help to get a welcome position. That she wants to achieve independently. As soon as Vika comes into the team, it is divided into two parts: those who like the new employee and those that they envy her. Vika very successfully makes his career. Work is given to her easily and she is incredibly proud of him. She always wants to share with her success with the most close people. It was praise - the Victoria engine. After laudatory words, Vika can conquer the mountains.

Vika in family life

To the selection of the spouse, Victoria refers to the most important task in her life. Although the girl always surrounds beautiful, wealthy men, she is not in a hurry for them. For Victoria, the main thing is to be loved, and not loving. The future spouse she will love because of a trembling and gentle attitude towards her. Wealth for the girl is not important.
She is confident in his abilities and knows that all earthly goods will work independently. After making marriage, I can not know Victoria:

  • the girl does not pay attention to outsiders;
  • begins to clarify;
  • it becomes submissive and begins to listen to the opinion of the spouse (but sometimes raging Victoria breaks out);
  • the house girl always keeps in perfect cleanliness (but for these merits, the Vika must praise, otherwise this focus will quickly disappear);
  • victoria brings up their children in rigor.

The girl named Victoria, live life with the motto: "came, saw, won." She really appreciates friendship, will be a true friend in the long age, and family values \u200b\u200ba girl puts in the first place.

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