Midges on indoor plants appear as a result of excessive irrigation. These pests lay eggs into wet soil, of which larvae appear. They cause significant damage to the root system of room colors. Another reason is a soil bought in the store, can already be infected with larvae.
If the midges appeared not so long ago, it will be enough to use folk remedies. Prepare a weak solution of manganese and water the ground. It is used for watering ordinary soap water: 20 g of the household soap is dissolved in the water liter, pre-grated on the grater.
Put a couple of pieces of purified garlic in the soil or prepare an infusion out of it. 3-4 Garlic heads pour boiling water and give breeding four hours. These infusions need to spray the leaves of plants and water the land. In this case, the methods do not need to water additionally, but only to loosen more often.
If the midges appeared as a result of excessive moisture, then do not water the plant for several days. When the swampy soil gets free, we break it and let's breathe again. Water starting only after the earth dried by 2 cm.
In the event that the midges have a lot and the larvae completely populated the plant, change completely soil. The flower is removed from the pot, clean the roots from the old earth. If possible, we rinse the root system of the plant under running water. For transplanting, we take a new pot, a pre-disinfected by a solution of manganese. Fresh land pumping in the oven for 30 minutes to remove pests. After its cooling, we transplant the plant. For the safety netting in the first days, we apply the above-described means of protection against midges.
In specialized flower shops, there are chemicals "Bazedin", "Thunder-2", "Mogoed" and others for larvae and flying individuals. Even a simple "dichlofos" can help get rid of midges. Polyethylene bag plants and spray an aerosol on the leaves. After 2 hours, remove the package. Do not forget to check after this room.
So that there is no midges, water the flowers are moderately, do not allow the soil overwhelm. For prophylaxis 1 time per month, handle the plants with a solution of manganese.