Holidays in Cuba

Holidays in Cuba

Cuba associated S. tropical  sun. round year, latin American  dancing, capturing  excursions  and clean  blue  nauticalwater.


Cubaisland-republic, loaded between two american continents. This island is an most. big from Antilles islands. Square make up 111 thousand square kilometers, v then time, how length reaching 1500 kilometers. Washed north parts Florida strait, a south Caribbean sea created unique landscape and nature. All shore part framing deep gulf and picturesque bits, a also corallas. and rifami.

Climate Cuba

Possessing tropical passat climate, Cuba attracts tourists round year. January temperature reaching +19 degrees, a summer thermometer rises before +35 degrees. Water always warm and not sleeping below +. 24 degrees  even v january.
How and anyone tropical the country, Cuba it has two season: period may-october counts season rain  period november-aprildry season. But it conditional division, so how probability tropical livnya v marta full possible, a v summer months arid weather not is an except.
Darling factor, arising in autumn, is an hurricane. Period their activity have to on the october-november, at it is they I think tsy irregular.



According to statistics, Cuba inhabited order eleven million human. Basic part population, near 65%, belongs people with white skin, 22% – mulatam and 12% – dark-skinned.



WITH 2005 of the year official currency again became cuban pesos, which the equals approximately 54 rubblem. Important knowexchange dollars USA on the territory Cuba, what necessarypay extra tax v 10%. In addition to of this, ban exchange curl touch euro, pounda  sterling and others.



Thanks to agreement between countries, citizens  have right abide on the Cuba v flow 30 days, not decorated visas.

On the border control would need provide:

  • international passport (acting on the moment end trips);
  • flight tickets v both parties;
  • immigration map (two instance).

Immigration map onone copy suggested on the border control and at departure.
Collection at departure make up 25 pesos.

Visa Obr.


TO duty free import allowedpersonal digital technics,200 cigarettes3 bottles alcohol.

Forbidden to export:

  1. narcotic facilities;
  2. weapon;
  3. precious metals;
  4. animals;
  5. cultural values.

Except is an availability licenses on the export jewels and products from crocodile skin. Such license issued seller store. So cheap purchase on the market without licenses will lead to forced return products on the customs control.

Black corals

Resorts Cuba


Havana - capital Cuba, that located v northwestern parts islands. Old Havana, carefully preserving glasses colonial epochs, open gaze the buildings 1517 centuries. It is worth seeing the embankment Malecon, the fortress of Castillo del Morro, Forts, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.



Varadero is an basic tourist center. Beach of this resort deserve status some from best v world. They attract tourists sO all countries own white sand and azure water ocean, stretching on the twenty kilometers. The main attraction is karst caves. Golf lovers for the soul will have to Villa Dupona, where the golf championships are held.



Olgin. counts samoa populated province. Nature so diversified, what can see and self top Cuba and enjoy beautiful beach, jobs traditional cuban beer. by the way, v Olgin situated estate, v past owned Fidel. Castro. Here is the most beautiful beach of Cuba - Playa Esmeralda.



SantiagodeCuba possessed big historical heritage, here huge choice museums and exhibition halls. Sierra Maesstra is a national park in which mountain ranges are located. Tourists will delight the carnival and holiday of fire, which are celebrated in summer with all beauty and brightness.

Santiago Karnal

Kayo. Coco

Kayo. Cocoisland, which the is an natural reserve. His sandy beach spread out on the 20 kilometers. WITH Cuba his connect road v 27 kilometers, that on right counts fine architectural construction. Los Flamenkos Beach has become the habitat of Flamingo, which can be seen all year round. Lovers of couples or just privacy lovers will find the perfect place on the beach of Playa Prokhobida, called as a "Forbidden Beach".

Kayo Coco Island

Kayo. Guillermo

Island Kayo. Guillermo on the 90% is an uninhabited. Mangrove thickets and palm grosty bribe his primitiveness, a singing birds and minute  sand beach conquer hisguests.


TO basicdishes  cuban kitchen relate rice with black beat and pork. On the isle Freedom popular langustov, which can try v anyone institution. Lovers exotics costs slide eggs turtles, meat crocodile. Necessarilytry « creole ahiko» – pork with vegetables.
Among drinks popular rum, which the is an larger part all cocktails. Lovers coffee evaluate tart taste I.  aroma present cuban coffee.


Shopping in Cuba

V stores at hotels and urban trade lava can buy various products v quality souvenir. Special popularity enjoy rum and cigars. Also v quality  souvenir vesut products from bamboo, rachin, leaves bananas and small paintings oil local marinists. Shops work every day from 9 to 18, and only on Saturday to 12 hours.

Trade Shop

Using services cafe and bars, costs remember, what tips not included v price services. Their the size make up 5-15% from cost rendered services. for instance, v hotel serving personnel give 1$.




Most popular way movement on the Cubait buses, which  called « v.v.».  Price fare equal 10 sentavo. Bus performs stop across everyone four quarter. If necessary log off before, follow to report about it is driverAlso for tourists exists tourist buses, price which make up 4 cuban pesos. Ticket on the such bus gives tourists right ride v flow day unlimited number once, making stop v anyone like it place. V hour peak it is better refuse from trips on the bus and take advantage services taxi.



Cuban taxi exclusively for cuban costs 1 pesos, but their extreme hard catch. It is better take advantage services tourist taxi. Their price make up from 50 cents before 1$ per 1 kilometer, at it is cars comfortable and have conditioners.

On the Cuba represented three main companies, which provide services taxi:

  • « Cubanacan.» – luxservice with representatives vehicles « Mercedes»;
  • « Turistaxi.» – here represented malteniatric cars japanese auto industry;
  • « Panataxi.» – offer cheap services on the cars « Lada», but only v capital Cuba.

Taxi Cuba

Railway transport

Cuban iron road belong to state post, and her length make up 5 219 kilometers. Annually she serves before 11 million passengers.
Schedule trains not is different constability. Per day time departure changes several once. AND how n. paradoxial, for foreign citizens price fare v 20 once above.

Railway Cuba

Aviation message

Despite on the relatively small the size islands, Cuba features five airports international values, located  v Havana, Varadero, Olgin, SantiagodeCuba and on the isle Kayo.Largo. Basic flow have to on the the airport Havana. Air travel implemented international companies. Cuban airlines available only for internal flights.



Automotive system sufficient developed. Length roads make up 61 thousand kilometers, at it is only half from them asphalted. Road structure it has such distinctive peculiarity, how absence road pointers. If planned trip on the car, then necessary have initial knowledge spanish or detailed map.

Rent cars

Best way become acquainted with island Freedomit journey on isle savior on the car. Points rental located in all large cities and everyone tourist center. For rental car necessary:

  • have age older 21 of the year;
  • driversional certificate;
  • international passport;
  • pay pledge v size 150-300 pesos, v addiction from brands car;
  • pay price rental, v middle from 45$ v day and insurance 15$.

Here is presented wide choice cars from retro before modern models. At rental car concludes treaty, v which stipulate all defects on the auto. Price gasoline v Havana make up order 1-1,2$, on the peripherals he much cheaperPleasy moment is an room tourist car. He brown colors and gives row advantages owner: drive on the closed plots tunnel, parkovka v forbidden mesal, condescension police.

Rent a Car


Planning travel on the island Freedom, follow explore peculiarities communication and some regulations:

  1. not worth itdrink flowing water;
  2. jewelry and documents needkeep v safe;
  3. four exclusively v state cafe;
  4. categorical ban on the photo military and military techniques;
  5. it is forbidden local population giving small money, per except shoppingbribes clear law.



Cuba famous world hotels, which  v predominant most  are spanish. Here lot hotels 4 and 5 star, located  on the coast. Service working on system « all included»  with drinks local production. Practically all hotels are locatedon the first lines to sea.. Beach have sunbed and umbrellas, provided is free. Rooms v such hotels equipped  television, air conditioning, safe and bathroom room. V rooms network voltage make up 110 volt, a also flat sockets, that's why necessary take with by himself adapterIn addition to hotels 4 and 5 stars,  on the Cuba there is more economical optionshotels 3 stars.



Cuban diving impressive beauty underwater mira. Fromper abundance islands and coral reef. diversity flora and faunas please even experienced divers. Nature. here educated giant barrier, protecting divesels from strong flows. Favorable conditions for diving available round year, thanks to warm nautical water v 24 degrees. Immersion v peace underwater beauty, gaze appear rare representatives marine spacious. This territory Caribbean pool included v natural guarded reserves.


At least once stepped on the Earth Island of Freedom, the feeling of the holiday and the sea of \u200b\u200bbliss will remain forever. And, even if everything has been joined, it will want to return to the fabulous Cuba again and again.

Comments leave a comment
Svetlana 10/19/2017 at 17:59

It was already on Cuba for 3 times with her husband in different cities - Havana, Olgin and Guantanamo. We really love to travel. Havana is more calm, tourist city, but Guantanamo is just frantic anomaly. Very interesting city. There is a naval base of the United States, which contains the most sewing terrorists of the world. That is how it is. The city in fact received its news at the expense of the American military forces located here and already on this background began to build their travel business. And so simply to the city you will not get, you will have to travel either through the United States, or through Jamaica. We drove out of the USA, I really wanted to see this city. And did not regret.


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