The keyboard does not work on the laptop - what to do?

The keyboard does not work on the laptop - what to do?

Today, it is difficult to imagine a modern person who does not have a computer device, in most houses there are even several of them. Today we will talk about such an element of a computer device as a keyboard and figure out the reasons for its breakdown and how to cope with such difficulties.

Common causes of keyboard breakdown

Today, you can purchase a keyboard not only in specialized computer stores, often this PC element can be found on sale in an ordinary small supermarket. Despite the fact that the cost of this part begins with minimal amounts, I don’t really want to spend additional funds for purchasing a new keyboard. That is why we will first figure out the reasons why your keyboard suddenly stopped working, and only after that we will find out how to fix all kinds of problems with it.

If your keyboard at one point has stopped responding to touching it, does not perform commands, do not panic, but try to find out why this happened only by finding the reason for this behavior, you can try to solve it:

  • The first thing that needs to be checked in the situation under consideration is the keyboard plug, he could just move or be not inserted into the nest. The reason for this may be a pet that did not specifically affect this detail or cleaning, during which it was possible to accidentally pull out a plug in an awkward movement. Correct a problem is easier. Correct the plug or return it to the nest.
  • The second possible option is a glitch in the operating system of your computer device, and it is worth noting that this is the most common option of available. The problem considered can be solved in several ways. The first is to pull out the keyboard plug from the nest for only a few seconds, and then put it in place (such a maneuver often becomes a solution to the problem). The second option is used if the first did not help. It consists in the usual rebooting of the computer, after which in 85% of cases, the keyboard works, as if nothing had happened.
  • If the keyboard is connected to your personal computer, then the reason for its breakdown can be in bent legs in the connector (this often happens). To fix this, you will need a small tweezers that need to correct the bent legs.

Problems are more complicated

The above reasons and methods for solving them are very simple, but there are problems and more complicated:

  • If the keyboard is connected to the computer device by a USB system, it is necessary to check its working condition and if the whole thing is in a USB port, it should be replaced with a new one. To check its performance, you do not need to call the master, just connect the keyboard to another computer device.

  • It so happens that only a few buttons cease to work in the keyboard, so it is worth checking everything to find out.
  • Some PC users complain that the right part of their keyboard does not work (meaning a set of numbers on the right on the keyboard). Correct the situation can press the Num Lock button, which is the switch of this part of the keyboard.
  • Garbage and dust inside the keyboard can also cause its breakdown. The fact is that often the elastic band, which is located under the buttons, can just get off, which leads to the non -working condition of the keyboard button. In order to get rid of crumbs, dirt and other small trash, you need to carefully disassemble the PC element in question and clean it.
  • If you have acquired a fairly expensive keyboard of the latest generation, then its non -working state may be due to the absence of all the necessary drivers, which are mandatory elements for its full work. In this case, both the entire keyboard may not work and several buttons on it. You can find the missing drivers on the official website of the manufacturer, and they will be completely free.
  • It so happens that the keyboard itself is broken, but the driver, which was installed for its full work. There are two solutions, the first is to update the driver or, just roll back its updates a couple of days ago, that is, before that time. When the element under consideration was still in the ranks, that is, he worked.

  • If you just bought a computer device and found when it is the first to turn it on, that the keyboard is in a non -working state, just go to the BIOS and turn on the keyboard support, after which the problem is solved on its own.
  • If the keyboard used works without a cord, that is, it is a wireless device), do not forget to regularly charge it, because it is an insufficient amount of charging that can cause its non -working state.
  • Some users complain that the keyboard refuses to work in some games and applications. It is very easy to solve such a problem - you need to go into the settings of the game itself or the applications and include the inclusion of certain, so -called hot keys.

The above problems, you can solve it without extraneous sloping yourself, if the cause of the breakdown is something else, then there is a chance that it will be cheaper to purchase a new keyboard than repairing the old one in specialized centers, so have this fact in mind.

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