Where to complain about housing and communal services

Where to complain about housing and communal services

If you have not yet organized a home owner partnership and do not manage your own home, most likely the problems of the public utilities are known to you. But as it turned out and the HOA is not a panacea, similar problems arise and there. For some reason, in this industry, the remnants of the Soviet past have been preserved as anywhere. Working after the sleeves, often drunk and coarse plumbing, forever "renovating" roof and basement are only the top of the iceberg of this heartless car under three loud letters - housing and communal services. Unjust tariffs, accounting for citizens and money laundering - problems are much more serious. You need to fight this and you can, how to do it - try to figure it out.

If you think that the sum indicated in the receipt, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality, and the accounting of the Housing and communal services does not agree with your arguments, contact federal Tariff Service. For example, you made a calculation according to regulations, and not according to the meter readings. Or you did not live for some time in the apartment, and you do not want to recalculate on payments. Contact FTS by sending a letter there or leaving a complaint internet reception Site.

If you are not satisfied with how employees fulfill their official duties, perform the requests of residents and provide services, your direct path to housing inspection. But again, in addition to personal or written appeal, you have the opportunity to leave a complaint over the Internet. Go to site Housing inspection of its region and find the section "Citizens' Appeals" or " internet reception". Where you can describe everything that concerns your problems with housing and communal services and if necessary, attach scans of confirmation documents.

Also about similar problems can be referred to Rospotrebnadzor at the place of your residence, which is also engaged in the consideration of complaints and appeals of citizens, including on the Internet in public reception.

If none of the above-mentioned authorities helped you with your question or, in your opinion, there was not enough activities to solve the problem, you can contact the higher authorities. Such are prosecutor's Office and city \u200b\u200badministration. Here you can leave the online complaint. Describe all your wishes and requirements in detail, specify the date, specific names and other circumstances. Be prepared to answer clarifying questions and additions. For feedback, leave your phone or email.

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation - Google Chrome

In addition to the official bodies, there are also folk programs that are aimed at monitoring the activities of housing and communal services. This is usually the initiative groups with which you can pay attention to your problem. They can be found on such sites like RZHKKH, State Control, Anger of the people and many others.

Be prepared to defend your rights if you firmly decided to deal with the problem, you may have to be a witness and in court. In order to complain, it is necessary to clearly know the legislation, their rights and responsibilities of housing and public utilities. Make sure you take into account all changes in regulatory acts in this area.

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