What documents are needed for car loan

What documents are needed for car loan

Not every person can afford to buy a car for cash, because the amount is not small. Most car enthusiasts turn to the help of banks and loans. At the same time, a lot of loan programs are quite a lot, each of them requires its package of documents and compliance with various conditions. Let's try to figure it out in detail and subtleties.

What are the types of loans for buying a car

Depending on the financial situation of the Client of the Bank and its desires, such loans may be selected:

  • An ordinary consumer loan that does not provide an initial contribution. This option chooses most people, however, for him you will need to provide a certificate of your income. Some customers cannot do this due to unofficial employment and other reasons, so forced to refuse;
  • Lending with an initial contribution. This loan will require you an average quarter amount for the first installment. There are no such accumulations from everyone, so it is worth weighing their strength before you take such a loan. Plus is the lack of certificate of income in the document package;
  • Credit with the guarantor. You can also not make an initial contribution, but someone from my family or friends should be guaranted. Such a burden rarely seek to impose on yourself.

You should choose the option of lending, which you can accurately cover.

Documents for car loan

Depending on the type of lending, you may need various documents, but you can select a mandatory list:

  • Your passport and copies of all its pages;
  • Questionnaire for a loan. In each bank, it differs, however, your name, date of birth, passport details, information about your place of work, education and marital status must be specified in the questionnaire;
  • Additionally provided another proof of identity, such as your passport or military ID or driver's license.

Of course, the package can change the bank himself.

Additional documents for car loans

You should prepare to alternative lists of documents, the Bank may require you and such documents:

Upon receipt of a consumer loan, you will definitely ask for a certificate of 2 NDFLs from work. In it must be indicated revenues for the last year;

  • The original workbook and a copy of all pages, at the same time, the experience in your last place of work should exceed half a year;
  • Sometimes request a copy of the education diploma;
  • An extract of a personal account if you do not provide data about your work and reference 2ndfl;
  • Marriage certificate if you are in it;
  • Certificate of changing the name, if this was done;
  • Your INN and SNILS;
  • Purchase and sale agreements, if they are already signed;
  • Written consent of your spouse for lending.

The bank may also be in demand and other documents that fill the gaps in information about you. If you do not have a constant registration, temporary registration will be required, as well as various confirmations of your financial condition.

Is it possible to take a car loan online

Of course, you cannot go through a full lending procedure online, as a personal presence is required for this. However, you can apply for consideration of your candidacy.

Take as an example site jar. There are practically such questionnaires for each bank. First you can calculate the amount of the contribution for every month.

Select the type of car and its brand.

After that, specify the criteria: the cost of the machine, primary contribution, crediting conditions. At the bottom will appear information about the monthly payment.

If the information arranged you, apply immediately. To do this, make personal data about yourself and click "Send Application". Bank experts will contact you to invite to further design.

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