How to leave a snowdrift

How to leave a snowdrift

A common problem for motorists in the spring and winter - soft snow, which hides under the ice. The car can stall, and, most worryingly, responsive assistants are not always nearby. In this case, we consider how to handle himself in this situation.

If you get stuck in the snow, in any case do not try to leave it at speed. This can lead to the fact that the machine will begin to dig for themselves and tread dig a hole to the ice. Then get out of it will be much harder. First out of the car and inspect the place where slippage.


Be sure to free up the maximum space for cars. Shovel the snow from the wheels and underbody. It is essential that you are able to drive back and forth, at least for a short distance. If you do not bring any suitable tool, then try to jump in the car to a little compacted snow beneath it.


If the ice has not yet laid bare, try to gently get out of a snowdrift. gently press the accelerator pedal. If the vehicle begins to skid - turn off the speed. Wheels put directly to the car was easier to get out of a snowdrift, although front wheel drive cars better, on the contrary, turn the steering wheel left and right until the wheels do not stand on a dry surface.

Try to back as much as possible, and then move forward in their footsteps. As soon as the wheels start to slip - immediately pulls back again. Each time the machine will lay slightly larger track. Continue as long as the car does not leave the snow.

Try to rock the car. To do this quickly switch between first and reverse gear. But this method is suitable only for vehicles with a manual transmission. Do not try this maneuver in a car with an automatic transmission - it can lead to its failure.

The buildup

If you have in the arsenal there is rock salt, then pour it under the drive wheels. The ice begins to melt, and the machine can easily get out of a snowdrift. You can also use table salt, but in large quantities. For this purpose, it is also suitable wiper.


Fit a little tire pressure. This will help create a greater clutch with the road. Be especially careful if you have no pump with you.


Domkrat lift the car and under the stuck wheels. Put mats from a car interior, branches, stones, boards or rags. Under the car itself do not climb - the jack may not hold the car. After this method, the rugs can be spoiled, but it will be much easier to leave. Be careful and smoothly press gas. Be sure to make sure that no one was on the road. The machine can go to the inertia to closely located objects with a sharp exit from a snowdrift, and all items will definitely fly out from under the wheels.


If none of the previous options helped you, you will have to seek help to other drivers who will help pull the car in tow. Season all use the rope cable without carbines. Metal in this case will not fit. He is inelastic and when the jerk can deprive your car towing lying or deform the body. The ribbon cable is unreliable and when the jerk can break, damaging the windshield of the machine. In Arsenal, you must always have at least a climbing rope.


Take care in advance about the instrument, you will significantly facilitate your task in a similar situation. In winter, always use only winter tires. This is safer and reduces the risk of jams in a snowdrift.

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