How to leave mud

How to leave mud

Each driver does not know about the main misfortune of Russia - her roads. But if in the city we are confronted with poorly laid asphalt and eternal people, then the city is much more serious. After melting snow or autumn rain, countryland and forest roads blur to the state of liquid dirt, where even the prepared SUV can be stuck, not to mention the standard passenger car.

In case you are going to go to the village, the forest, fishing or hunting and know that you will have to face complex road conditions, in the car you must have: a shovel, jack, ax, cable, winch. Do not force how unfamiliar and dubious areas of the road - it is better to exit the car's salon and check how reliable is the road. Before the complex road section, turn on the four-wheel drive if it is in your car, move exactly, at one speed, not gas and stopping.

If you still sat down in the mud, do not panic, there are ways to get out of the mud captivity yourself. To begin with, distribute the load in the car. If you are much loaded, ask for some passengers to exit. If the machine, on the contrary, is not loaded, then passengers need to be transferred back - it will create a load on the back of the car, thereby increasing the clutch of the car with an expensive.

With the help of shovels, the road in front of the front or behind the rear wheels is to depend on which side you are closer and more convenient to get to the "land". Under the wheels, put the chalks, branches, the twig - the collected it, or chip the ax. Turn on the reduced gear and try carefully to get on a dry road, do not gas sharply - otherwise only getting into the mud. If you have a car winch, then you can use it to pull the car from the mud.

If the car fell in a ripple and just "sat down", you need to lift it with the help of a jack, and under the wheels to put branches and trunks of trees. Otherwise, the wheels will simply spin in the dirt, drowning the car is still deeper, but you cannot get out yourself.

Another remedy, how to rescue the car from the mud trap is a rich, it can be performed both yourself and use the help of friends. That is, just pass as far as possible and immediately back, as if swaying the car, when the amplitude reaches the maximum, try to leave sharply.

If you went on the road not one, you can get out with the help of a second car. True, it should be significantly more powerful than yours. To do this, it will take a cable - its length should be at least 5 meters. If the cable is less, connect with the help of Carabins two cables, or simply tie their marine nodes. Pulling the car must be smoothly, synchronously performing all actions when the cable stretches, gradually increase the speed.


In the event that your car was bonding in the dirt in a distance from busy roads, and it was not possible to get on their own, you will have to go to the nearest settlement, or to the track and there to ask for help.

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