How to choose a suitcase

How to choose a suitcase

The suitcase is an important attribute of any trip. Everyone wants him to be as comfortable as possible and served not one year. To do this, choosing a suitcase in the store, pay attention to the following details.

The capacity of the suitcase is called the volume. It is measured in liters. A person traveling alone is enough for a suitcase with a volume of 28-33 liters. A family of three is better to purchase a large 100-liter suitcase and a 25-liter for hand-made bag. It is desirable that the volume of the suitcase can be increased due to thickness. Then the souvenirs purchased during the trip will be placed in it.

Buy a suitcase made of water-repellent and impact-resistant material. It is best to these requirements with a polypropylene with titanium chips. The skeleton of the suitcase from this material is withstanding the high weight, its surface is resistant to mechanical stress, it is invisible traces of shocks that may appear after loading on the aircraft. The polypropylene suitcase with a metal chips is a bit cheaper and has the same qualities, but less resistant to mechanical damage, and the plastic can even crack with careful circulation. The suitcase from the fabric will not damage the blows. It can increase in width if you need to put a lot of things in it.

When buying, consider the weight of the suitcase, because sometimes it will have to raise it. The easiest is a suitcase from the fabric. Plastic has a middle weight. Leather Baula are the hardest. Although they look luxuriously, but the least practical, as they quickly scratch and rush.

The suitcase must be with two or four wheels. Four-wheeled suitcases easily maneuver and rotate around their axis. But only on a flat surface. Two-wheeled suitcases easily overcome any obstacles. But they are less stable and are harder to manage with them. Well, if the wheels are made of silicone, and not from plastic. They are not erased, they do not crack and do not noise. Some suitcase models are equipped with a special brake, which does not allow them to point from their master.

Pay attention to the handle of the suitcase. This detail, being in the palm of your hand, should not cause any discomfort. Very convenient retractable telescopic handle. It should be durable, not hang out from side to side, fixed no less than in two positions, completely clean into the body. Ordinary suitcase handles are sewn to the housing by the bypass threads or attached rivets. Choosing a suitcase, check the strength of these mounts.

If we talk about the fastener, then plastic lightning is better metallic. It is durable, resistant to the action of high temperatures, little weighs. The fastener must have a width of 8-10 mm. When buying, check its performance. Tight lightning over time is unlikely to be developed.

Among the locks are the most reliable codewood. The castle closed by keys, thieves can open with the launder. It is best when the suitcase has a combined lock - code and usual.

Now you know how to choose a suitcase. It remains only to wish you a successful purchase!

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