How to choose a ski resort

How to choose a ski resort

Skiing is gradually gaining momentum in Russia, and an increasing number of people becomes adherents of this type of rest. And if one part flies every winter to the south closer to the sea, the other is looking forward to winter cold and snowfalls to rather stand on skis. The choice of ski resorts is large enough, and therefore many novice skiers get up before the difficult decision to go next time.

Thanks to its geographical position, there are not so few places in Russia, where you can ride with the mountain. In almost every region there are its ski slopes and bases, but the most famous regions for skiing are Krasnoyarsk, Kamchatka and Sakhalin. The flights will cost you somehow, and the level of service, unfortunately, does not reach Western, so you can think about visiting the ski resorts of Europe.

First, you should decide on the list of criteria that the most important role is played for you. For example, you are a novice skier, and therefore, you are unlikely to fit the complex tracks, crouched by forest, winding with obstacles and tramplines. You may need the help of a personal instructor or equipment rental. Or in addition to skiing you will also be interested to see the competition or even participate in them, visit the party. Or, on the contrary, you want to be away from noise, fuss, and so that there are only mountains, snow and alpine houses that resemble Christmas toys around you. Based on all these requests and wishes, it is necessary to choose the appropriate resort.

When choosing a resort, be paid attention to its location, as well as on the placement of the riding zone. The fact is that many resorts are much lower than the main riding zone. It is understandable, because the temperature depends on the height. And if the light minus up to 5 degrees is easily transferred and does not cause discomfort with rest, then only the most avid skiers will be able to stay in a good mood in a minus 20. Also consider the height of the riding zone and the number of snow. It is best to choose a gold middle - about 1.5 km at sea level. You should also consider the time of your visit to the resort: at the beginning and at the end of the season the lowest point of the riding zone should be higher, it guarantees you the presence of good snow cover.

Choosing a resort, find the slopes scheme, all of them are marked with one or more. Different colors indicate the complexity of the route: red - simple, blue - medium, black - complex. And in the selection, proceed from the fact that for each member of the group there is enough slopes for skiing. Often the beginners are enough one or two training slopes, the skiers more professional already want a variety. For lovers, skippers and safaris exist for lovers from the springboard, but usually tourists of this level already know where to go next time.

Beginner skiers, first departed in European ski resorts, should take into account the geographical factor. The fact is that some resorts have a fairly wide network of slopes for skating, often not located on one grief, but on several nearby. And to get there, you will have to do a way to bus in the group. Of course, it is not very convenient, since you depends on time and other people. Therefore, when choosing a resort, pay attention to this factor: it is better that all the slopes are near and get to them you could independently, without removing the skis.

Another important nuance is the resort itself, or rather the whole city or even several towns, it form. Usually among the towns there is their own capital: most tourists live here, the greatest number of parties and holidays are located, it is better to choose restaurants, shops and other entertainment, but noise here is also more. Town provincials are quieter and calm, but they can give up the capital in the location. Ideally, your place of living should be located below the slope where you will ride most of the time.

When choosing a ski resort there is a lot of criteria and nuances, listed which in one article is quite difficult. But the choice is quite wide, and even the most appreciative tourist will find the resort on its taste and wallet.

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