What to choose a hotel in Maldives

What to choose a hotel in Maldives

See Maldives - it means to visit heaven. Nature has created an amazing place in the middle of the ocean, where the transparent azure sea and white sand. The Maldives includes 19 coral atoll islands. And each island is a separate hotel, which is not high-rise buildings, but cottages, bungalows, chalets and villas. To classify the service, Standard, Superior and Deluxe definitions are used.

Accommodation in the bungalow, the chalet is very common. You can offer a one-room with a bathroom, as in Summer Island Village, Helengeli Island. Or luxury villas with several rooms, a huge pool, garden, spa and even with your own cook. Luxury hotels are One & ONLY KANUHURA, KURUMBA MALDIVES, SHANGRI-LA.

Many bungalows are located on the shore or right on the water. Such hotels are the dream of many, but they are unsafe for children. Some hotels are not allowed to relax with children. And on many islands is forbidden to stay minors. In those places where you can relax with young children, you can not find entertainment for them. The four-star hotel Kuramathi Cottage provides a playground, a small pool.

Choosing a resort, carefully examine its location. By those who are difficult for long trips, the resorts of Laviani, Fafaf, Ari, Raa, Mevelope, it is better not to choose. They are far from the airport, and a non-stop flight, a shuttle will increase the trip time and the cost of rest.

For lovers to make underwater dive there are hotels oriented diving. Accommodation in the northern part of Male provides all the conditions for this sport. Dhonveli Beach & Spa offers additional services, including surficists.

Addu Atoll is in the southern part of the Maldives and consists of several close-based islands. They are interconnected by dam, so from one island to another can be reached by bike or by sea on the boat. In hotels at Addu Atoll, you can plunge into the underwater world of the ocean, watch exotic birds.

The biggest island ensemble has Ari Atoll. On the territory of these islands there are centers of windsurfing, diving, there is a rental of canoeing, water skiing, scooters. In this place, the most respectable, expensive hotels are concentrated. Each hotel complex has rich infrastructure, restaurants, SPA centers.

Entertainment at the resorts can be different: there are hotels with animators, and some of you will be left alone. If you need noisy entertainment, cholect large hotels.


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