How to find out anonymous on ASK FM

How to find out anonymous on ASK FM

ASK.FM ( is a social network in which the user can ask and respond to other people's questions. You can ask as anonymously and not anonymously. The essence of anonymous questions is that user can ask anything else without pointing out its name and surname. In this article we will deal with how can I find an anonym for

Unofficial programs for the exposure of anonymous on ASK FM

According to the official statement of ASK.FM developers anonymous, it is impossible to find out. But the desire of users to find out the personality of a person asking questions is so large that unofficial programs promise to "declare" anonymous. But can you trust them? To find out this, consider these sites.

The program whose reliability is in question

The level of confidence in the Internet resource among other users is low. This does not mean that it is created by fraudsters (however, it is impossible to exclude such a probability) - this means that people appreciated him as suspicious. Go to the address Click on the "Find out anonymies" button, agree with the terms of the contract, after which we follow the instructions. Next, we wait until the results are processed.

Sites that need to be avoided

The sites listed below belong to fraudsters based on Internet users. Consider them and remember that the services of these web pages should not use.

  • Http://\u003d11777&tds_hash\u003djvdwfr&security_hash\u003d39d0d2cb83cba787478e2a4c70299a4f.
  • The HACHASK program that is offered to download.
  • Web page
  • Web resource\u003dhackask/.

2016-01-26 10-54-07 Screen Screenshot

Learn anonymous on ASK FM with your observation

Basically, questions on ask us our acquaintances. It is only enough to read the question once again, pay attention to its main features (gramatic, punctuation, rudeness / politeness) and try to remember whose style of writing is similar to the writing style. Also pay attention to the subject of the question: it is likely that some of your acquaintances were interested in any part of your personal life, but shy to find out directly, and seeing that you were registered on, I decided to ask anonymously. If you already guess which of your friends asked you anonymous questions, ask him about it directly - maybe he confesses.

As you can see, most sites on the exposure of anonymous - phishing. Even the first is in question due to the low level of confidence in it among users. The output suggests itself - you can infect your computer, lose money and confidentiality. Believe me, the desire to learn anonymous is not worth such victims. Better use your deduction, and not suspicious sites.

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