How to increase the speed of downloading in torrent

How to increase the speed of downloading in torrent

Client-torrents are modern technologies that allow you to download your favorite tracks, films, artistic and technical literature and many other cognitive or entertainment information on your computer.

This method of file sharing has both its positive and negative sides. Among the latter is the "fill" speed and transmission (download and distribution) of data. Many users, especially from the number of newcomers in working with a torrent, complain about the unstable or low speed of the client. What can it be connected with and how to fix the problem?

How to increase the speed of downloading in Torrent - General recommendations

Before proceeding to increasing the speed of file transfer, check and correct these parameters:

  • Measure your Internet speed - the transmission of information cannot be faster than the network works.
  • If the torrent version is outdated - update it.
  • Delete advertisements in the client.
  • When downloading files, try to disable third-party applications using the Internet connection (for example, Skype, RSS subscriptions, postal agents). They can significantly reduce the fill speed of the files.
  • In the course of working with the client, refuse application updates, turn off the antivirus. As a result of the latter, a constant analysis of incoming traffic will occur as a consequence - reduction of bandwidth.
  • By choosing a download file, give an advantage in favor of more "Sides".
  • Try not to put multiple files at the same time.

How to increase download speed in Torrent - customer settings

Go to the "Settings" section and select "Settings of the program" torrent client and make some adjustments.

  • This item is relevant for router owners. Go to the "Connection" section and in the port settings click "Generate". The value obtained in the next window must be opened in the router interface.
  • Use the protocol encryption. To do this, select the BitTorrent tab. Activate the "Protocol Encryption" function by setting the "ON" value and putting a "tick" in the adjacent window. Thus, you eliminate the probability of blocking from the provider.

How to increase the speed of downloading in torrent - bandwidth

Especially effective is to configure this tracker option.

  • To do this, remove the speed limit. Open the Speed \u200b\u200bsection. Opposite the "General Restriction Speed \u200b\u200bLimit" and "General Receive Speed \u200b\u200bLimit", set the value "0". Thanks to this setting of parameters, you will not lose speed on the distribution during the fill of the files, thus using the entire power of the channel. The "maximum connection value" is recommended to indicate within 100 - 200.
  • Do not apply to the forced start. This option is useful when distributing, as it allows you to start the distribution of a new torrent. Its activation when downloading will lead to an increase in the number of downloads and an increase in the download time for each torrent.

In addition, you can set the priority of file injection, thus determining which of them will be loaded at greater speed. To do this, click on the right mouse button right-click. Next, choose the "Speed \u200b\u200bPriority" item and in the list that appears set the value "high".

How to increase the speed of downloading in Torrent - the choice of "correct" distribution

When choosing a distribution, analyze the number of "sids", "peters" and "lumbers". Their ratio within one distribution also affects its speed. The first term indicates the number of users that downloaded and distribute the file of interest. The second - characterizes the number of distributing file fragments (because it is not downloaded by these users). "Leders" are those who are interested in the file now shakes. Based on the definitions of concepts, it is easy to guess that the speed will be the greater, the greater the number of "Sides" and "Peters" will be on the distribution. The choice of popular distribution "will give" and the highest download speed.

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