How to set visual bookmarks

How to set visual bookmarks

Visual bookmarks can be installed in all the most popular browsers for today. This is a very useful and desired supplement for the browser. They are stored in case of reinstalling the operating system, they can be synchronized between browsers. All this makes bookmarks comfortable and practical for travel lovers online.

Work with bookmarks allows you to significantly save time when moving from one page to another. If you liked the site, you make a bookmark on it. You can then return some time after some time. Gradually, such bookmarks accumulates a lot, and it is difficult to remember that the site has retained a month ago. The bookmarks panels do not save the situation too much, since the space is taken in the browser. Visual bookmarks, in contrast to text, more informative are small sites sites. They can be sorted, put into groups on topics.

The very first browser, which began using bookmarks - Opera. They were called Speed \u200b\u200bDial. They liked the users so much that they began to be embedded in other observers. To invoke the bookmarks panel in Google Chrom and Opera, just click on the "+" sign at the end of the tab panel, and the express panel will appear. You can not set additions and do not make settings. Bookmarks can be deleted, move, add.


In the latest versions, many users of their favorite browser Google Chrom bookmarks have become "memorable" visited sites. It is not always convenient and not everyone likes. Therefore, it is better to install the Speed \u200b\u200bDial Supplement to manage bookmarks. To do this, dial in the address bar, Enter the name of the "Speed \u200b\u200bDial" add-on in the search bar, click "ENTER". Then select it in the list that opens, click the Blue button "Set (free)". Confirm the action - "Add".


After the installation is completed, click the Add New tab button after the latest. A window opens with twelve blanks of empty bookmarks. Select the first, enter the address of the desired site and its name, save the result. So edit the desired number of visual bookmarks. In the Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2 version there is an opportunity to book a site logo, choosing it from standard or set your own. Beautiful logo can be found here.


Unlike Google Chrom and Opera, Firefox has no built-in visual bookmarks. Therefore, it is necessary to set the addition. The most neutral option is also Speed \u200b\u200bDial. Download the Supplement by reference The page will be booting on which click "+ Add to Firefox". The volume of supplement is small, it will be installed quickly. Confirm the setting by pressing the "Download Now" button. Restart Firefox. In the initial setup window, place where the checkboxes are necessary. Edit empty bookmarks as described for Google Chrom.


In addition to bookmarks from Yandex, using the service Motix. You can create convenient visual bookmarks. The service has a lot of advantages: an unlimited number of bookmarks, they open on any computer, it is enough to drive in the address bar MoTix.Ru, enter a login and password. Bookmarks are sorted by the user by category to guide the full order on the computer.


Bookmarks are built in Google Chrom and Opera browsers. Firefox requires supplements to organize an express panel. As an extension of the service can be implemented in browsers Motix Chrom, Opera, Firefox. The panel will be installed in new tabs as bookmarks Yandex. It is only necessary to find an extension in the browser, which is usually running.

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