How to decorate glasses for a wedding

How to decorate glasses for a wedding

Wedding is always an exciting celebration, especially for lovers. To make the holiday perfectly, it is necessary to think about wedding attributes in advance and the glasses are no exception. If you decorate the dishes on your own, then you express your originality in them. You can make wedding glasses in several ways.

How to decorate glasses on a wedding lace

The festive lace decor is very gentle. In addition, decorate glasses with them very simple. To do this, you will need such materials:

  • white lace 3-4 cm wide - 1.5 m.;
  • satin tape 0.5 cm wide - 1 m.;
  • adhesive gun and thread with needle.

Important! Before you begin to glue any decor, glass or crystal must be deguted. You can do it with alcohol. Also watch the dishes are room temperature. Since silicone glue will be hot, its application on a cold surface can cause chicken on glass.

Execution Instructions:

  • Step 1. First decorate the bulk of the glass. To do this, attach lace around the dishes, add a few millimeters for junctions. Cut the desired fabric length.
  • Step 2.. Gently glue the lace on the glass. At the same time, try so that the sections are located together, and the glue was not visible from the front side. If the fabric lifts, then the cuts are burning with a lighter or matches.
  • Step 3.. The rest of the lace cut in half. Each of them, by the thread on the one hand. Strip the thread and make the nodule so that the billet does not break.
  • Step 4.. Grind the lace through the foot of the glass. The edges of the fabric are spent between themselves from the wrong side right on the dishes. The edge of the thread attach and cut.
  • Step 5.. Cut the narrow ribbon into two equal parts, the edges are fallen. Memore the middle on the ribbon and in this place, make the knot around the floor of the glade. Tie a tape on the bow. If you wish, you can apply a drop of glue to the center of the bow so that it does not unleash.

How to decorate glasses on the wedding petals of living flowers

Glamelia technique is becoming increasingly popular, in which floral compositions are created by gluing petals of fresh colors. To decorate in this way the wedding attribute can be just a few stages.

  • Step 1. Gently disassemble a live rose bud on petals. Put them in cool water for 30 minutes. Then spread on a paper towel so that the extra moisture evaporated. This will allow the composition for a long time not to wither. Use only fresh flowers.
  • Step 2. Start gluing the petals from the bottom of the glass. In this case, the glue must be special, otherwise the petals are quickly dried. First fasten the largest parts of the flower throughout the locality of the glass.
  • Step 3.. Then take smaller petals and glue them between the first circle parts. Promotion in this way until the middle of the glass.
  • Step 4.. To hide petals sections, stick a narrow satin ribbon at the base of the glade. Her ends tie the bow and stick beads on them.
  • This decor must be done on the day of the celebration. Put the finished composition and store in the refrigerator until you use. So the petals will remain fresh.

How to decorate glasses on a wedding with artificial flowers

If you prefer to use in the decoration of wedding accessories only artificial flowers, then decorate them and glasses.

  • Step 1. Finished buds cut the stems as close as possible to the base. At the surface of the glass at the place of the future decor, take a teip-tape. It will not give the surface of the glass, but at the same time, it will keep the whole composition tightly.
  • Step 2.. Hot glue Lock all the details on the glass. If you have a visible tape, then cover it with beads and rhinestones. If you wish, you can also link the satin ribbon around the leg legs.

How to decorate glasses on a wedding stained in paints

Wedding glasses can also be stained with stained in paints. Such a decor is not so voluminous as during decor with flowers and lace. Prepare the following materials:

  • special stencils for paints;
  • stained glass paints of different colors;
  • thin brush;
  • satin ribbon and glue.


  • Step 1. Glass degrease with alcohol and thoroughly wipe with a dry napkin. It must be done at mandatory, otherwise the stencil will not stick to the surface.
  • Step 2.. Gently separate the workpiece from the base and transfer it to a glass. Give the stencil gradually, while pressing each part of it with a dry napkin.
  • Step 3. Empty areas inside the stencil fill in stained in paints to their taste. Work carefully that the layers of the paints are not mixed with each other.
  • Step 4.. Fully painted drawing. Leave alone until the paint drying. Then decorate the leg of the glass with a silk ribbon.

How to decorate wedding glasses - Alternative ways

  • You can make holiday glasses with your own hands with feathers. They can become an excellent addition not only to ribbons and lace, but also colors. Feathers make decor gentle and air.

  • To give glasses to the wedding of light radiance, use to decorate rhinestones on a sticky basis. With their help, the decor can get bright, but at the same time - minimal.

Wedding glasses, decorated with their own hands, add originality to the celebration. Moreover, it is very easy to make a bright decor on such detailed master classes.

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