How to make a root volume?

How to make a root volume?

To care for your hair - the duty of every girl who wants to look good. Undoubtedly, beautiful styling and hairstyle attracts the attention of others, so it is very important to know how to make the hair look good.

Prikorno volume

Some suffer from the fact that the hair seems to and look good and their density is in order, but at the same time, they just hang along the contour of the face, and there is no volume. It is clear, every day you will not attend beauty salons to make a root volume there, so you need to learn how to do it yourself.

In fact, not everything is so scary as it may seem. Because it is necessary to simply have a couple of accessories and patience at hand. No one suggests that it should be professional tools, like hairdressers. It will be enough for common hair accessories that can be bought on the market or in the store, and they are quite inexpensive.

So, let's understand how to make the roar volume without any assistance, and that it is very important that it looks natural and ease.

In fact, most girls are paying for their hairstyle or laying every day a lot of time, because to be beautiful and well-groomed need not only on holidays, but everyone, even a weekday day. To run through the salons and spend a lot of money - the undertaking is not from the best, so you need to learn how to carefully care for your hair, know what hairdressers should be at hand and, of course, be able to use them.

Making hair lush

In order not to go around and about, immediately proceed to step-by-step detailed instructions, thanks to which you can make your hair well-groomed and lush from the root:

  • It all starts with the right hair washing, if you learn how to wash them correctly, give them the volume will be much easier. After the shampoo is applied on the hair and is distributed over the entire length of the hair, you need to pay attention to the roots, thoroughly rubbing the hair wash means. After that, thoroughly wash it off with hair and followed, immediately, apply air conditioning on the hair (it is not worth confused with a balm, these are different means for different purposes).
  • Remember to distribute the treatment under consideration is necessary from the middle of the strand and before their tips, in this case the roots should not be covered with air conditioning. It is necessary to wash the air conditioner with cool water into which a little lemon juice is added, preferably fresh. After the procedure produced, the strands are raised.
  • Now we proceed to the right drying of the hair. So, we creep your head down, and having fun with a hairdryer, and the direction should be top down. When the hair sucked a little, take a means for laying and apply to the root part. Now hair lush and raised by the root.

Ways to create a root volume

There is a lot of ways to create a roasting volume at home, and here are some of them.


A common way to create a volume effect on her hair.

  1. In order to make the nobody, you must take one strand, divide it into two parts.
  2. Take the ridge and carefully freeze the bottom of the strands.
  3. You don't need to touch the upper strand in this case, because it will cover the combed bottom and create a look of natural volume, and so to do with each strand near the central probor.
  4. It is desirable to enjoy the hair lacquer to keep the result as longer as possible.
  5. In the event that this kind of laying was needed to visit some holiday or another event, it is better to take advantage of a strong fixation varnish.


There are such hairdressing accessories in the house of every girl and thanks to it, you can not only twist the curls, but also to make the volumetric nosch. It is best to use large curlers for these purposes.

  1. My hair, slightly dry them and wear hair curlers on strands right by the root, without winding hair on them, and just raising it.
  2. Then, with the help of a hair dryer, dry the hair on the Bigudah, and when they are completely dry.
  3. We remove the curiosity and again, fix the resulting result by varnish.
  4. For everyday binding volume, the lacquer of weak fixation will fit, that is, it fixes the hairstyle, but at the same time, it can be easily combed from the hair comb and the head will not have to wash.

Tools for the root volume

If not lush and too shaky hair is your problem, then you need to learn to do your own root volume, and work out this to automatism so that this procedure has taken only a few minutes.

In order for the creation of the root volume to be easier, the right objects and accessories are needed at hand, and which, now we find out:

  • The most important device is feng. It is worth noting that the girls just do not do without a hair dryer under any circumstances, that is why it is necessary to approach the choice of such an item with a special responsibility. It is desirable that the power of the hair dryer is not too low, so that you can easily create a roasting volume and other types of laying, hairstyles.
  • Comb. It is an indispensable accessory for all those who have hair on her head. In order to create a roasting volume, in any case the round brush will need, it will also come in handy for other styling. In this case, attention should be paid to the selection of bristles on the comb. The optimal option will be combined teeth, half of the plastic, the other half of the natural material.
  • Gollop. Flat comb (thin, which is sometimes called spiked) will also be needed to create the volume under consideration. Because with it, it is very fast and easy to do BV, and also traveled. The frequency and thickness of the teeth should be chosen depending on the thickness of the hair than the thick hair, the less and the thicker should be the teeth on the comb.

  • Means for laying. Hair polish, foam, air conditioners and other means with which you can make the volume on the hair are the necessary attributes in this situation. Hair varnishes should be somewhat, one for daily use. The other is strong fixation so that you can make a hairstyle and fix the result for a long time. It is also worth attention to pay the choice of hair gel, because it perfectly fixes the hair and makes it a natural one.
  • Biguchi.. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to make a choice towards large, but also small in stock should be to create other hairstyles and styling.
  • Clear. This tool is perfect for creating a root volume, it is only worth it to heat the puff and hold a slightly at the roots, the result will not wait long.

Another point in order for the hair to be lush, it is necessary to properly care for hair, and above all, buy a shampoo that would come up for your hair type. And do not forget that every few months, the shampoo must be changed, because the hair begin to get used to it, which can lead to the appearance of dry scalp and perch.


Comments leave a comment
Tanya 05/31/12 at 13:47

I do corrugation usually. The volume is crazy. And to refresh the laying, I have a dry shampoo for the volume of lebrider hair. It refreshes the hair and smell.

To answer
    Sasha 07/18/2019 at 16:52

    I have a dark hair of the hair shampoo will not leave white tracks on the hair?

    To answer
      Tanya 07/19/2019 at 17:01

      He leaves no traces of hair. Although I, too, before that there were shampoos that traces left. I'm brunette myself)

      To answer

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