How to make a bump on the head

How to make a bump on the head

This season, bumps and bunches of hair are again popular. They loved the stars and ordinary student students. Thanks to such a simple hairstyle, you can instantly transform. It is suitable for socks every day, as well as for festive celebrations. In addition, it is ideal for sports activities, shopping, pool or dating. You can make it in just a few minutes at home. This can be saved on the stylist services that are very expensive today.

To create a "bump" no skills will need. Hairstyle may have a slightly careless look. If you urgently need to go to work or go on a date, but at the same time it remains in the edge, then it is quite beautiful to stick your hair in a bundle. In this case, you will receive an elegant and natural image, and this is very valued today.

How to make a bulk bump on the head

To create a bulk cones, need such elements: durable gum, studs, foam bubble, varnish.
This option is done in just a few minutes, because for this you need elementary actions. Due to this, it is possible to explain the popularity of this species hairstyles, because in the conditions of a mad rhythm of life, women often lack time. It can be created on long and medium hair:

  • First you need to comb all hair and tie them on the top with a conventional gum.
  • Then turn a bagel through the tail to the base.
  • Make strands and wrap them around the roller, hiding under the bottom ends.
  • After that, strengthen the heel laying the resulting stiletto and splash.
Decorate the bump is recommended by a comb, an attractive bow or a ribbon.

How to make a bump on the head with oblique

The appearance of this laying has the same simple look, but its plus is that it will be well held. To create it, you need 2 gum and 6 studs.
  • Connect well-cleaned hair on the head as high as possible.
  • From the resulting tail to make 3 curls to create a pigtail.
  • Wrap it the base of the tail is several times. Pass the tip under the conex.
All actions are elementary, but the hairstyle is practical!

How to make an elegant bump on the head

It can be done both with braids, and without, with this, each option includes a solemn element.
  • Create two strands on the temples.
  • All other hair to connect on the painter.
  • Purchase the tail by turning tips to get a bulk car.
  • Locks from the temples to lay the wave to the chish and overtake the lug.
  • You can braid hair with temples to braid and wrap the bump.
As a result, it will turn out a tender and touching hairstyle, it can be supplemented with decorations from flowers or pearls.

How to make a bump on the head on short hair

Short hair holders can also make bumps from flavors.

  • Combing your hair and divide them into two parts. Then every part split another 2 parts, and then make a strand and wind the harness that is fixed with rubber band.
  • The same actions must be made with each strand.
  • Then tie all the harvested flags to the ordinary node and fix with studs.
  • As a result, the protruding tips of the hair will remain, from which you need to remove gum and optimize them.
  • At the end, fasten them with a hair lacquer.

If using vintage decorations, ribbons and scarves, then from everyday hairstyle Easy are festive. Thus, it can always be essential and stylish. The main thing, remember that forming a bump on the head you need to show your fantasy. In this case, the hairstyle will have a special look.

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