How to defrost freezing chamber

How to defrost freezing chamber

Previously, the defrosting of the freezer was similar to the complex technological process, which housewives were performed almost every month. Now, thanks to the emergence of automatic defrosting systems, the life of women has become much easier. But still, despite all the modern technologies, it is completely impossible to save housewives from this duty. The NO Frost system is almost perfect and allows you to turn off only once a year in order to hygienic cleaning. The disadvantage of the drip mechanism is the formation of ice in the freezer, respectively, defrosting must be carried out as the impregnation of the alone.

The "fur coat" in the freezer is often formed with a loose-to-knocking sealing gum, frequent opening the door or indoors inside the warm products, it can also indicate problems in the work of the unit. If there is a thickness of 4-5 mm thick, the defrost must be carried out. Otherwise, heat exchange in the middle of the device is disturbed, which can cause overheating of the motor and the complete failure of the entire unit.


First, remove the plug of the wire from the outlet. Remember, defrosting the device connected to the power grid, only turning the relay to zero - is life threatening. Further, get all the contents from the chamber. If you have a separate freezer or freezer with an individual compressor, then the products can be simply moved to the refrigerator. If the freezer and refrigeration chambers are behind a common door, then you will have to defrost all the device. In this case, in winter, the products can be placed on the balcony, but in the summer you have to make a temporary cold asylum. To do this, take a large pelvis and put a thick layer of paper on the bottom. Then quickly lay out all the contents of the freezer, to the top it is better to put products that thawing does not make much damage, or a package with ice cubes. Then cover the tase with a film and wrap in the blanket. Such a design should be enough for a couple of hours.


Just leave the camera door open, and the "fur coat" will gradually deteriorate. In vertical freezers, water flows into a special pallet, but with a large amount of ice its containers is not enough. Therefore, periodically thump a liquid from it or just put on the floor of the rag. In the freezing stairs there is a special hole for the drainage of water, which must be opened when defrosting.


If you do not have time or desire to wait for a natural outflow of the freezer, this process can be significantly accelerated by the following ways:

  • Place in the middle a saucepan with hot water. After time, remove it, heat and re-put in the freezer.
  • It perfectly helps speed up the defrosting fan or fan heater - simply direct air flows into the chamber.
  • You can also blow the freezer with a vacuum cleaner. Install the small nozzle on the hose and turn on the operation to blow out.
  • You can speed up melting with a hair dryer. Just be careful, keep it at a short distance from the freezer and in no way place inside - it can tighten the wet air or the pieces of ice, which will lead to a closure.


After complete defrost, wash the chamber with a solution of soda, rinse with water, wipe with a dry towel and leave open at least half an hour for complete drying. Turn on the freezer and let it work 3-4 hours empty, and then download products. Remember that for the set of the desired temperature should pass 15-24 hours. During this period, the motor operates at full capacity, so try to look into the freezer as much as possible.


Delete ice and snow with a freezer with sharp or metal objects is strictly prohibited - so you can scratch plastic and damage the awning. Maximum - to remove the remnants of "fur coats" you can use a special plastic scraper.

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