How to check the phone on the listener

How to check the phone on the listener

There are times when a person has doubts, do not listen to his phone. In such cases, not everyone has ideas about how to learn the truth. There are several ways to find out if your phone is worth slush or not.

Signs that your phone is listening

Sound quality during conversation

  • In order to determine if your phone is listening or not, you should carefully listen to outsiders while talking on the phone. As a rule, it is they can give a listener. But it is not necessary to panic ahead of time, because extraneous noises can be simple interference of communication services.
  • You can also use a special sensor that serves to check availability of excess background noise. By arrow on the device, you can determine if there is a listener of the phone during a conversation or not.

Head electrical appliances to help

Pay attention to the simultaneous functioning of your phone and nearby electrical appliances, such as TV or radio. If the listener is really present, the signal from the devices will noticeably deteriorate.

Outsided sounds on the unused phone

Often the phones standing on listening make various sound signals and vibrations even at the moment when a person does not use them. It depends on the software installed earlier onto a stationary or mobile phone. If you pay attention to your phone, you can easily notice changes in its work.

How to check the mobile phone on the wiretapping

  • Battery. The phone that listens is functioning around the clock, but his owner does not even know about it. Pay attention to the temperature of the battery in the phone, it will be very hot. You can also notice with what frequency you charge your phone. Check whether there are programs on your phone that can quickly plant a mobile phone charging.
  • Completing the phone. Please note how much time you have to complete the mobile device. If the process began to take longer than usual, it may also indicate listening to the phone.
  • SMS messages. Carefully treat the received sMS messages from unknown addressees. Even the usual opening of the message can activate the listening setting to the mobile phone.
  • Fixation of expenses. Calculate whether no cellular costs increased? Frequently used programs for listening to a mobile phone take a fee for the use of the service. Fix the balance of your cell phone daily to notice the changes.

Recognize a listener on the city phone

  • Appearance. Carefully inspect the appearance of a landline phone, whether there was no autopsy before. If you notice that the phone was opened, then you will have to open it and get a bug.
  • Dubious faces. Start paying attention to people around you, whether dubious cars appeared next to your home, do not come to you uninvited guests under the guise of plumbers and other household workers.

Comments leave a comment
ilya. 10/04/2018 at 3:21

simple recomerenation
Go to the LC of your operator and order details on your email,
If there is no SMS confirmation capability, use the SMS-YA.RU aggregator


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