How to sit at a computer correctly

How to sit at a computer correctly

Most office workers complain of back and neck pain. This is due to the wrong position of the body while working on the computer. To avoid health problems, you should know how to sit at a computer.

First of all, purchase a computer table and a chair with the ability to adjust the back. Fragile women dream of sitting in a large leather armchair with a wide back. This is wrong, since the size of the chair should correspond to the growth and physique of its owner. The back should not be straight and stiff. She should bend slightly when pressed on her. This allows you to take a convenient position during operation. The hip length is equal to the length of the seat. At the same time, touch the back of the chair with the lower back. The body should not be tilted forward. It is necessary to relax. Do not throw your foot on your foot, this worsens blood circulation in the lower part of the body, which provokes the occurrence of edema.

How to sit at a computer correctly

While working at the computer, the stomach should come into contact with the table. This will not lean forward and remove the load from the trapezoidal muscles. Place the monitor on the table, at an extended hand, so as not to strain your eyes. It is desirable that the screen is slightly lower than your forehead. That is, you need to look at the monitor from top to bottom. Expand the screen so that the light falls on it at an angle of 90 degrees. You can not install a computer table opposite the window, since because of this there will be glare, which will interfere with normal operation.

How to sit at a computer correctly

If you have a standard keyboard, purchase a hand for hand. It will allow you to relax brushes during the printing of documents. Do not forget about gymnastics for the eyes and movement. Take a five -minute break about once an hour. Drink a cup of tea and go. While working at the computer, dehydration of the vertebral discs occurs. Subsequently, this can cause a hernia or abrasion of disks.

How to sit at a computer correctly

During sitting at the computer, the legs should rest on the floor. At the same time, an angle of 90 degrees should form between the legs and hips. If the chair is very high and your heels do not reach the floor, purchase a foot stand. It is best to buy chairs with the ability to adjust the height. Do not knock on the keyboard strongly, it strains the muscles of the hand. At the end of the working day, fingers and brush will hurt.

How to sit at a computer correctly

While using the mouse, work not only with a brush, but also the entire lower part of the hand. During operation, the wrists should lie on the table, and not hang in the air. Lay out all things at an extended arm. Place the folders with documentation and the book so that you can read their name without removing from the shelf. This will facilitate and accelerate the work. You can’t use documents that you often use in the lower boxes. To get the necessary folder, you will have to lean and bend several times during the day, creating an additional load on the spine.

How to sit at a computer correctly

Make your workplace comfortable and comfortable. Do not spare money to purchase a quality table and chair. These items will save your health.

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Tasya 06/23/2022 at 20:05

I also try to constantly monitor the posture. But this does not always succeed. As a result, some clamps sometimes arise ... Fortunately, there is an Evalarov Honda Neuro. Then I drink it with the course. He removes muscle cramps and helps to restore damaged nerve fibers ... I usually order a phytomarket in the online store.


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