How to get European citizenship

How to get European citizenship

Recently, European citizenship has become increasingly wishing to receive stability and more comfortable living conditions. In this regard, strict rules were established, which regulate the procedure for the legal acquisition of EU citizenship.

One of the ways of obtaining EU citizenship is a national affiliation. To do this, you need to prove its national affiliation to it in the migration bodies of a certain state. If your relatives lived in any EU country, you can get an EU passport on this basis. The only drawback - you have to wait about two years.

Also, you are right to change your nationality to the parent. To do this, you will have to contact a legal company that provides similar services. Specialists will help you issue a birth certificate with a new nationality. After that, you can get the EU passport due to the national affiliation.

You have the opportunity to become a citizen of Europe on the fact of making marriage with a citizen of Europe. Many people enjoy this and conclude false marriages. But employees of the migration service periodically check spouses, so sooner or later the fictitious marriage will be calculated, and the offenders will attract responsibility and send out of the country.

If you are a political refugee, you have the right to get European citizenship on this basis. To do this, you must provide documents about persecutions in the native country because of religious or political beliefs. Try to provide documents on detention in the police, dismissal from work, etc. It will be ideal if you can enlist the recommendations from the national human rights organization.

One of the most popular ways to obtain desired citizenship is to leave for permanent residence. You can come to the selected country and then try to get a residence permit. To do this, it is necessary to have reasonable reasons - for example, business management, a working contract, guardianship, etc.

At the same time, you should not have a criminal record and should not have real estate or conduct business in your native country. Each country has its own conditions for citizenship. In one country, you can apply for a passport after three years of official residence, and at the other will have to wait about ten years.

Also, the citizenship of the EU countries can be obtained on the birth of the EU, if one of the parents is already a citizen of Europe. Another way is through adoption. Each country has additional reasons for obtaining citizenship. Therefore, if you want to stay in a specific country, familiarize yourself with its requirements. You may find a more affordable way to get a desired passport.

The citizenship of most European countries can be purchased for a fee on legal basis. Such a service is worth a lot of money. After registration of the necessary passport, the funds received will be listed in the state treasury.

To obtain a European passport, you will better contact a specialized company that provides services and assistance in this direction. Experts will help you deal with questions of interest and issue the necessary documents.

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The procedure for obtaining citizenship in the countries of the European Union lasts from six months to a year. As a result, you can live in a specific state, to work or lead your business and freely move on other European countries.

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