How to transfer money from Yandex Wallet on QIWI

How to transfer money from Yandex Wallet on QIWI

For a long time, there was no possibility to list the means from the wallet on Yandex.Money to the QIWI payment system. Today we will tell about actual ways to manage our own money as free as possible.

How to transfer money from Yandex Wallet on QIWI through the terminal

Thanks to the ever-growing demand from users, QIWI and Yandex have established a stable movement of money between platforms that do not require intermediaries. To do this, you can use the QIWI terminal, the web portal or the Visa Qiwi Wallet mobile application. In this case, the introduced amount will be credited to the account immediately, without delay. To make a translation using the terminal:

  • we look at the starting screen of the device and find the "Yandex.Money" button on it;
  • the same is easy to do if you use the "Search" button;
  • next, we specify the details of your Yandex wallet;
  • we introduce funds from the Visa Qiwi Wallet or a regular bank card.

We remind you that the Commission for using the terminal is 3% of the total transfer amount.

How to transfer money from Yandex Wallet on Qiwi by phone number

Money to the mobile account can be put from the Yandex wallet through the company's website. The procedure is made from the corresponding menu and is intuitive. You can also simply follow the link to Payment page,enter the phone number, click the "Pay" button and follow the instructions on the screen. Further:

  • go to the qiwi website;
  • select the section "Top up";
  • click on the item "With the help of a cellular operator";
  • we introduce the amount that will go on the wallet;
  • i confirm the payment and receive well-deserved funds on the specified electronic account.

How to transfer money from Yandex Wallet on QIWI via a virtual map

The card of this type will be provided to you from the QIWI service automatically, immediately after registering the account. To use it for transfers, we will find out the requisites required through the Bank Card tab in the Kiwi Personal Account. Click on the "Send Requisites" button to get full information on the map. Now:

  • go to the Yandex.Money Cabinet;
  • choose the item "Transfer to a bank card";
  • we enter the data of your QVC, which you just got;
  • indicate the amount, we pass the check and successfully send the payment.

How to transfer money from Yandex Wallet on QIWI through third-party exchangers

This feature should be resorted only when others, for various reasons, are not available. Using online exchanging, you trust our own funds to individuals, usually anywhere else (except for the Internet) is not registered. Before making any transactions, familiarize yourself with the reviews of previous users, statistics on wallets and other data indicating how honest and professional site employees. Among the reliable sites, or can be allocated, which work with various payment systems and process payments in the shortest possible time.

A somewhat confusing, but it is no less workable method is to use the third site to make a translation. Yandex wallet and kiwi account can be tied to WebMoney account. Consequently, it will not be difficult to first transfer money to this system, and after sending them to the final addressee.

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