How to distinguish fake rubles

How to distinguish fake rubles

Among the Russian currency, banknotes are most often raised with a par value of 500 rubles and higher. Depending on the quality of the fake, it is not always possible to determine a quick look or to the touch, so you should remember the main differences between genuine rubles from fake.

Field of poor quality can be quickly defined, for example, by the fact that it is smoother to the touch, there are no watermarks on it, and small fonts are fuzzy or indistinguishable.

To detect the signs of counterfeit in high-quality copies, attention should be paid to more complex funds for banknotes. First of all, the color strips, which are the main means of protection of any bills. They are invisible at right angles, but when the slope is clearly visible.

Also a clear sign of fake will be the coat of arms, which, when the banknote is tilted at different angles, does not change its color. The coat of arms on fake banknotes can only gline and change their brightness, sometimes slightly changing the shade.

Very difficult for fake fakes are watermarks. On each banknote, it is thus specified its nominal, and on the right - a portrait. If on fake watermarks are present, then it is worth paying attention to their accuracy and color. They should not be too dark, and if not to view the bill on the light, they should not be visible at all.

Microperphoration, also denoting nominal bills, is one of the most complex elements for high-quality fake. In this banknote, it can be considered only by submission of banknotes. Micro-oxide are made by a laser, and it is impossible to feel their fingers. In fake bankings, such holes are made often needles and, therefore, they become noticeable to the touch.

Using these simple bill authentication methods, you do not risk becoming a victim of deception and save your money from scammers.

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