How to free a disk space

How to free a disk space

The local disk of the computer is its main place to store the system files, so its filling is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms: braking processes, departure, low performance. Take yourself for the rule to periodically clean the disc from from unnecessary files, cache and the registry of remote programs. So you get rid of unexpected failures in the stable operation of the system. In this article, you will learn a few effective steps to clean the disk C: removing unnecessary multimedia and downloads, cleaning programs, cache and the correct erase of records from the computer registry. Do not forget that the registry is a very important component of the system, proceed strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm your PC.

How to free a disk space with: Delete multimedia and downloads

This item is especially important if your hard disk is not broken into several volumes, and you keep everything on it. When installing the Windows system, it is best to immediately break the disk to not form a garbage on its system folders.

  • Go to the "Downloads" folder. If you have not visited it for a long time, you will be surprised how many unnecessary files accumulated in it. Delete all unnecessary files from this folder, and the necessary sort by directories.

  • To make it easier to delete, clamp the Ctrl key on the keyboard and mark the mouse files to be deleted. After that, press the Delete key or simply click on the files with the right mouse button and select the "Delete" string.

  • You can surprise the amount of accumulated data on the local disk.

  • Similarly, do with the movies, videos, photos and music that you do not need on the computer. Remove them. Cleaning such folders will give you a colossal empty space on the disk of C.

Clean the computer's cache and delete the old programs to clean the C disc

When it comes to the installed programs, most users put them on the C drive from this empty space becomes less and less. Cleaning the copper programs and cache data will help you with a special CCleaner utility. She has many analogues, but this utility is most simple and easy to use, it also applies for free on the official website

  • Go on the link and download the utility.

  • Its installation will not take much time.
  • Entering the program, you will see the menu on the left. Click on the "Tools" section. Here are all installed programs on your computer. Even if you installed them to another disk, then the likelihood is that temporary files are still contained on the C. disk
  • Choose those from them that you have not needed for a long time. Click on the "Run Uninstaller" button in the upper right corner.

  • The program will delete almost without your intervention.

  • Once you get rid of all unnecessary programs, go to the "Cleaner" section. Here you can clean the cache of the system and all programs.
  • First choose the "Windows" tab and click "Run Cleaner".

  • Then, in the "Applications" tab and click this button again. So simply you deleted many cached files.

How to free the disk space with: Clean the registry entry

After removing programs, many of them leave entries in the registry, which occupies some space. There may be very much such records, so it is better to remove them periodically.

  • At the same time, clamp a Ctrl + R combination on the keyboard.

  • In the window that appears, we write the command "Regedit" without quotes.

  • You will find a computer registry. Open the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" folder.

  • In it, look for another folder "Software".

  • It is here that all the folders with the registry entries are contained. Find only those records of the programs that you have already deleted. Click this folder and press the Delete key. Registry entry will be deleted.

How to free a disk space C - Cleaning the basket

A simple step, but very effective. Removing the contents of the basket, you clean the gradual number of space.

In just a few days, the content can easily reach a gigabyte, or even more. Clean the basket at least a couple of times a week.

So you cleared the disk with, adding a few gigabytes of free space. On the example of the article, almost 25 gigabytes were released, which is quite a lot.

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