How to appeal the protocol

How to appeal the protocol

If you are sure that the truth is on your side, the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer can and should be challenged. There is a specially designed procedure for the implementation of this procedure, the knowledge of which to each owner of the vehicle is commemorated (regulated Administrative Code).

Of course, no one will believe you for the word, therefore it is important to have evidence of your rightness, witnesses that happened and, in fact, a copy of the protocol, with the content of which you disagree. When you hand out the protocol on the signature at the scene, you can not sign it. Instead, at the bottom of the document, indicate exactly what you disagree and why. It is important to describe your arguments in detail and specify the available witnesses who are ready to confirm your words. All empty lines mark the battles so that no one can add other information.

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After that, ask the inspector a copy of the protocol or ruling (if you are accused of violating the administrative code). Carefully check the data identity so that there are no problems due to inaccuracies. The ruling is submitted by the court or traffic police, it is awarded to the offender personally in hand. From the moment you get it you have 10 days to write an application for appealing the Protocol.


It is necessary to write it in the name of the head of the inspector, which issued the protocol at the scene (or immediately to the court). Be sure to specify all the arguments and arguments confirming your right. Accent attention, why you consider the actions of the inspector an erroneous. It is advisable to refer to the rules of the road, other legislative acts - so your chances will increase significantly. Attach the proof of your arguments, if any. These can be testimony, photographs, mobile recordings, etc.

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You can submit a statement personally or send by mail (be sure to save the payment receipt). The case is considered by the world judge. If the decision has not satisfied you, you can file an appeal for 10 days from the date of receipt of the solution in your case. Download from us:


It is important at the time of registration of the protocol is not to be confused and assemble the maximum evidence of its own innocence. It will make your words weighing, will increase the chances of winning.

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