How to appeal the prescription

How to appeal the prescription

Each entrepreneur or a working person at least once in his life met with the inspection of the institution by regulatory faces. Inspections are different: fire, Rospotrebnadzor, Labor, Housing, Rostekhnadzor, etc. All controlling departments are endowed with large competencies, including individual high-ranking faces. Often their prescriptions are abnormative. In such cases, the head of the firm or an individual is entitled to appeal it.

First, find out which prescriptions can be brought under the "illegal" section:

  • The inspection arrived without alert and not on time;
  • The controlling face was announced without the order of his head;
  • Checking folders and acts not subject to control;
  • Excess authority inspector;
  • If the order prevents the maintenance of the future activities of the PI.

All of the above circumstances are rude violations. code (№ 294 -FZ). When they were detected, it should not be dragged for a long time with the appeal to court institutions. Timing For submission of the application are limited (for three months), if you do not have time, then the judges will have to prove that you had a respectful reason.

№294-ФЗ prescription law

The arbitration authorities are treated when the order relates to the actions of the IP on entrepreneurship, and in the courts of general legal entities - they write a statement on official persons who break their duties.

Before visiting the organization of justice, it is necessary to pay state duty in any banking department. For a legal person, the size of the duty is 2000 rubles, and for the physicalhouse - 200 rubles. In the bank you will be prompted by the details of your branch of the court.

Now we go to court writing an application, we apply a receipt, a photocopy of the application, if necessary - power of attorney, conclusions confirming the legitimacy of actions. And wait answerWhen appoints the date of consideration of the case. After the meeting at the appointed time, representatives of the Femids will lead their verdict.

Here you can download:

Appeal of decisions

For the prescription was appealed, do everything on points and on time. And be sure if you decide to write a complaint, warned the inspector or a job person about my intention, act within the framework of the legislation.

Comments leave a comment
Eugene 06/22/2017 at 8:55.

due to the requirements of the originality of the site (it seems to me), the text read is completely impossible. This is a mockery of legal terminology.

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