How to exchange municipal apartment

How to exchange municipal apartment

The municipal apartment is not the property of those who live in it. Nevertheless, it can be exchanged, despite a number of restrictions. About how to do it right without spending time on extra trips to instances, read below.

What apartment will definitely be exchanged? If it is arrested on it, it is listed for the housing special fusion or hostel. If tenants living in the apartment at the time of exchange are going to terminate the employment contract. If the apartment is in the dilapidated state and it is impossible to live in it, or the house will be demolished soon, it will not be possible to exchange it. Pay attention to these moments to protect yourself from extra spending time and money.

Prepare your housing to exchange - check all communications, wiring, make cosmetic repairs if you consider it necessary. So the probability of finding wishing to change with you apartments increases at times.

The next step is looking for a suitable option for exchanging. You can do it yourself, armed with newspaper with advertisements and the Internet, or contact the company that specializes in similar transactions. Note that the intermediary will have to pay some amount, usually it is ten percent of the cost of the apartment. But there is a possibility of rapid selection, since municipal apartments are not so much left.

If the apartment for the exchange is found, then proceed to the preparation of a set of documents. You will need a statement from the main tenant who must sign all family members, even if they do not live with you. Remove copies from the order and housing contract. Request an extract from the house book and confirm the absence of debt on payments (certificate or extract).

Please note that if there are incapacitated persons, people with disabilities or minors, then you need the consent of the guardianship authorities.

If all previous items are executed, the exchange participants can sign the exchange contract. Each of the parties transmits a set of documents together with the contract signed to its hospital. Within ten days, he must make a decision or harmonize exchange, or justify the refusal.

After receiving the consent, the exchange participants enter into a hiring contract with a new hide. At this stage, the exchange is considered perfect, the parties can move.

As you can see, you can exchange municipal apartment. But do not save on the services of professionals, because fraudsters often operate in the real estate market.

Comments leave a comment
Yuliya 01/09/2017 at 15:38

How is your easy and easy! Straight found an exchange option and went to change. Only to actually find an option for the exchange of municipal housing to another municipal housing, and even more so two, practically no possibly.

To answer
Alekland 20/05/2018 at 16:23

It is also very interesting, where to find these options, tell me)))

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Alekland 11/08/2018 at 16:31

Where to find these options ??? No one does not want to do this (and in Moscow it is not real (

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