How to set up a microphone in Skype

How to set up a microphone in Skype

The Skype communication program has a fairly flexible setting. You can customize not only the image and chat, but also the microphone and voice call parameters. If you need to correct the volume or clarity, then it is better to do it first in fine-tuning on a computer through special utilities, only then go to Skype settings.

How to set up a microphone in Skype

In the Skype program itself, you can adjust the microphone volume, output, and also listen to it and look at a special chart on his work. All this is necessary, when the interlocutor hears you badly, or the device works incorrectly.

Open Skype and log in. Go to the "Tools" field.

Here you need a string "Settings".

In the menu that opens, you will find the section "Sound Setup". In the central part of the window next to the word "microphone" all the parameters that you can configure will be.

The "Microphone" value selects the device output. This is relevant when several microphones are connected, or a microphone and headset together: then Skype can select the wrong device by default.

Low below is the slider "Volume". It allows you to adjust the level of quieter and louder, depending on your needs and the microphone itself. Pull out the slider and ask your Skype friends how good you can now.

If you leave a tick in the "Allow automatic microphone setting" row, the program will periodically change the volume yourself, depending on the noise level on the background: when the sound becomes very quiet, the utility will raise it and vice versa.

At the end, you can click on the link "Make a checklist in Skype". The set is made in a special test center, where the bot will help you configure the remaining parameters.

Setting on various operating systems is not different in principle, and there is no mobile device at all.

If the microphone in Skype does not work

When the microphone in the program does not respond at all: the diagram is on the spot, your friends do not hear you, then the problem must be solved already in the system settings of the computer or the microphone itself. Exclude the probability of breakage immediately, simply inserting the microphone to another device and testing it.

After that, click on the Start menu and log in to the control panel.

Put the sort by category, find the item "Equipment and Sound".

In the next window, you will need a "Change system sounds" item in the "Sound" section. Click on it.

Wait until a small window with settings is loaded. In it go to the "Record" tab. Here you will see all the microphones that are currently connected to the computer. If your microphone is not here, then you have either breakdown or problems with the connector input.

Select the desired microphone and click "Set up".

You will then see the new window where you need to go to the "Levels" tab. Here the volume of the microphone and the increase in the microphone is adjusted. As a rule, you will need gain only when the volume of the microphone itself is not enough for comfortable communication. This is an artificial pulling of the sound from the signal, remember that the more you exhibit the gain parameter, the more interference can give your microphone after that.

Therefore, first increase the volume of the microphone with the upper slider, only then go to the bottom.

On this, the microphone setting in Skype can be completed. If you want to achieve greater flexibility, add effects and apply different voices in this program, then you should pay attention to the article CLOWNFISH How to use

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