How to catch Sudak?

How to catch Sudak?

Fishing - How much this occupation means for men, but it is also worth noting that modern women, many of them, too love fishing. Let's talk today about how to catch Sudak and what needs to be known.

Sudak in the water reservoir

Fishing is not interested in catching, if there is already a catch, then a good, large and perfect fish for this is a formidable predator in fresh water - pike perch. It is necessary to immediately note that to catch it, unfortunately, bye, not everyone knows all the ignorance of many nuances of "hunting" on this not small fish.

Also, the characteristics of this fish include secrecy and caution, this is another reason why it is difficult to catch on the hook. To catch a pike perch, you need to learn more about the place of habitat, lifestyle, etc.

Sudak's body is long enough, it seems outwardly on the torpedo, the sharp stalls are cut, and sharp spines are located on the fin (for the intimidation and definition of this fish as a predator). It can be said that the predator in question (despite the fact that he is a representative of the Okunevy family), more similar to the same predator - pike.

The color of Sudaka is faded and unsightly, which helps him in disguise on the bottom of the reservoir, and the deeper the reservoir, the darker and unsightly color of the predator. It may grow up to 90 cm long, but it weight can exceed 16 kg. It is also worth noting that this fish is found both in fresh water and in the sea, so those who came to the shore of the lake can catch it and those who decided to relax on the seashore.

Even experienced fishermen can fish for many years in the nearest reservoir and not even know that in addition to ordinary fish, Sudak is found here, this is how it can be secretive and intelligent.

Like Sudak

So, in order to catch Sudak, you need to know where it lives. It is worth noting that Sudak sees perfectly in the dark, so catching it on the night - just the perfect option. In the afternoon, they are "blind", so you have to go to the bottom, or hide under stones, trees, etc.

Search the predator under consideration is best under some branches, stones, snags. He does not like Sudak to fight over the course, so in quiet and peaceful places it is easier to find it.

Places where you should catch a predator:

  • near Waterboroughs
  • not far from the gateway
  • not far from reinforced concrete structures
  • along the supports of the bridge

As soon as it starts to darker, Sudak sails stranded, where many vegetation (that is, ashore). Also the characteristic sound of the pike perch is a regular splash near the coastline (so pike perch hunts to a different trifle). If you got it in this place and at this hour - Bingo, you can consider that you really are really lucky and the likelihood that you will catch this predator, very large.

Fishing season Sudak

Keep in mind that the rules of fishing will depend on the time of year:

Let's start our consideration from spring. So, it is best to start catching Sudak in May, and at the very beginning of this month. During this period, exhausted and hungry trick is enough in his mouth, everything falls on his way, and this is an excellent state of fish for a fisherman. The habitat of this predator in the period under review - the roots, bushes flooded, the bays are not too deep. Immediately, we pay your attention that he was not worth a hollow with fishing in the spring, because the "hungry" period will last long.

Also excellent fishing will be, if you get to the immediate spawning of Sudak, because in this period, the pikeper will hide everything. In order to protect their offspring, but experienced fishermen never do so, because they consider it to blasphemy.

Sudak fishing in the summer. In the second month of the summer, Sudak is already unfolding and floats from the melon away to its usual habitat. If Sudak sat down somewhere in a squab, then it is extremely difficult to catch it, and it is possible to do this with a fishing rod. If the weather is cool, then pike perch can be successful, both in the afternoon and in the evening. In the case of daytime heat, expect that you are V. Sudak, almost useless.

Types of fishing of Sudak

  • Catching on the Float of Sudak is possible only with a different kind of water facilities. Catch the pike perch from the boat is very convenient, because on this design you can swim to the right places.
  • Usually, the hook is putting bleak, bull, in general, rolling fish, and that the form is swinging. Immediately after Sudak grabbed the hook - it is impossible to pull, because the prey can jump. You need to wait a couple of seconds and only after that pull out the predator on the hook.
  • You can also catch the pike perch against the bait without a float, but this method of fishing is best carried out with a moving boat. In this case, not only a live bait can be used as bait, dead fish will also be suitable no worse.
  • Among other things, it is also worth paying attention to and another method of catching a pike perch - catch on the track. Some embankment of artificial type is clinging here, for example, brilliantly or wobbler.
  • All big turns are gaining a predator fishing today on spinning. In fact, this kind of catching is not simple, and that is why he causes an excitement from fishermen who want to show all their skills. The fact is that it is not just necessary to find a place where Sudak dwells, but also to do everything possible that the dead bait worked, and Sudak led her.
  • I also catch an option for jig bait. A small vibrohvost as bait is a great option for fishing.

Choosing a method of catching a predator - the matter of everyone, it all depends on the desire and skill of the fisherman.

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